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Jorge Borge

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About Jorge Borge

  • Birthday 31/07/1977

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  1. If he stays he needs to sort himself out. If he goes, adios. I love him, I really do. He has made me love watching football during these last two dire fucking seasons. But, if he wants to leave, fuck off. Simple as. All sounds like excuses to leave, the way it's being painted at the moment. I'd prefer the truth; Real Madrid are better than us and he deserves to be playing for a team better than ourselves. I don't want to hear any shite. Just shit or get off the pot. P.S. Having a few days away from this site and coming back has made me realise just how shite it has become. The same old angry nobheads arguing about the same old shite.
  2. Nice one, Macc. Got me to the 2000, cheers. Just put my remaining sixty-odd in yours, Lee.
  3. About 25. Many thanks if it was you who put the others in there for me. Much appreciated, mate.
  4. I'm about 120 short of the next thing but, having started so late, have no chance of collecting everything - I don't expect anyone to actually spend the time dropping them all off, as it's a massive ball-ache! They should have made a bulk-deposit feature.
  5. I've been visited by the egg fairy... ooh! Many thanks, mystery donor. I need about three hundred snakes for my next prize. I'm not too proud to accept charity. I've got sixty here so I'll send them your way, RedKnight/Jules... if that's your real name.
  6. I've got 140 just sat here if you still need them?
  7. Fair play, no idea about those two as I was recommended Ono by the missus. Films download at 3.5mb/sec so I'm more than happy with it!
  8. Can anyone tell me what the deal with the eggs is, please? Can I open them to get snakes myself or are they purely as gifts for other folk? I've been going in and doing things for you lot and seen some have got eggs lying around but don't know how to set them down to hatch my own.
  9. Just reading this thread and saw this. I can heartily recommend Ono for the internet; they're the only ones who offer the fibre optic shite over here, so the 30MB internet they're selling me never comes in at less than 28-29MB, as opposed to Orange and Vodafone, who I've had previously and weren't nearly as fast/reliable. Vodafone's 20MB used to trickle in at between 6-8MB. And Orange used to cut off all the time.Oh, and they were just massively useless, unhelpful cunts who somehow failed to change my address after I moved for over six months, but still managed to charge me for both properties before finally cutting them both off (which turned out to be a blessing, as I changed to Ono and haven't looked back since).
  10. I've no idea what could have been going through his head. Then another one, in response to, "What are your thoughts on Moyes?" came up with, "Good luck to him, he's done well and deserves the biggest job in football." Sorry? I'm lost for words and have just had to just leave the conversations be.
  11. I put that Taff's Tavern picture on Faceaids the other day, laughing at the appointment, and the first comment it got was from a Bitter mate of mine, saying simply, "Jealous?" I don't understand.
  12. I can see that I'm going to play this shite loads for a month, then delete it when I've realised how much time I've wasted on it. Good fun at the moment, though. As said earlier, perfect toilet entertainment. I added a load of you yesterday, by the way. I'm d-note972, if you're wondering who the mystery person was. What's the deal with adding folk? Is it just to do some housekeeping for them while they're away? I presume you don't rob each other's money and whatnot?
  13. Just completed this a couple of days ago and thought it was fantastic. As long as you keep mixing up the side missions, unlocking the island and missions themselves then it doesn't get too samey; a couple of the rickety antenna towers just pissed me off. The outposts, supply drops and assassination missions were the best parts of the game for me; working out how to stealth everyone. I found out you can just pop people from distance, as long as they don't see you, but that takes all the fun and skill out of it. The story was great, with loads of mad missions, but the ending could have been a lot better. Reckon I'll leave it and go back and do the tribe missions again when I'm bored. The relics can go whistle.
  14. Glad I read this thread and started watching this. Great telly with some wonderfully uncomfortable moments and I can't wait for the last episode now. Warning! The following content is NOT WORK SAFE. Click the Show button to reveal. I particularly liked the scene in the motel room when Stan went to see Phillip after Amador had died. I was just cringing inside, it was awful. It's got a bit of everything - it's even got Johnboy Walton, for fuck's sake; what more could you want?
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