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Everything posted by ATXRED

  1. It did give us this, and this is brilliant. [YOUTUBE]pJN5C2WuJRU[/YOUTUBE]
  2. I've also taken the initiative to sign up. We'll see if I'm any good, I on uk5 as ATXRED.
  3. Vin Scully for the Los Angeles Dodgers is possibly the greatest sportscaster in the history of American sports.
  4. He hands the brown envelope to the man who hands the brown envelope to the referee....allegedly.
  5. It's not exactly a music recommendation, but Andy Langer, the music editor for Esquire magazine knows his stuff. He's got a 6 minute podcast, and I keep hoping he'll put his Austin radio show "The Next Big Thing" into podcast format. It's 2 hours of indie unknown goodness. Stu, I think his recommendations would be right up your alley. Andy Langer
  6. A good friend of my father's died of Swine Flu last week.
  7. Question, is Xabi like Sampson? Will he have another average year since he shaved his beard?
  8. That's not fair on Bascombe, everyone knows that editors pick an article's title, not the journalist who wrote it. It's a good article from Bascombe, and very positive at that. It suggests that Benitez wants one more year from both of them, because he believes that we have a strong chance to win the title if they do. I agree.
  9. Vampire Weekend - A-Punk Dave Matthews Band - Typical Situation Pedro the Lion - To Protect the Family Name
  10. Oh yeah! Well......... Fucker.
  11. It's nice having a professional photographer in the family. IHOP, after an indoor game. Getting it on with my friends wives is the best. Be putting up some picks from LA next week.
  12. Paparazzi are shit, but in fairness, celebrities around the world should be careful what they wish for. Paparazzi disappears, those shit magazines disappear, hype surrounding celebrities lessens, and in turn they make less money. Maybe only a little less, or maybe a lot less, who knows. They would make less, that is for damn sure.
  13. Agreed, but I think I may have the solution. Years ago, I found the video that Alan Sex's avatar is made from. I think I can find it again, and if I can, I'll post it on this thread. Can you imagine the affect? I'm imagining it is the video equivalent of worldwide spiritual enlightenment. Or if everyone at once went on prozac. I think that it could bring about world peace. You see her tits...sans hands.
  14. He has a point. If we can hold on to both of them for one more year, that would be preferable. I think we'll win the league if they both stay.
  15. They're suffocating, someone let them out. Think of the children.
  16. There is a strong support of football in Texas, which is surprising, as American Football is king down here. I can only see that getting stronger as the Mexican influence continues to grow in the state. As a side note...anyone remember this champ manager wonder. Gifton Noel-Williams He plays for the A league team that started up here in Austin.
  17. As if this thread isn't bad enough, you just had to bring that up... NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!
  18. The best thing that could happen is that quick reply disappears. That you'd have to preview your posts, and you'd have to wait 30 seconds in preview mode before you can submit a post from preview mode. It might cut down on a bit of the pointless jabbing. I lost count of the times I've started a post and said "it's not fucking worth it". That's probably not possible though.
  19. Agreed, there are so few top quality English players, that there's always going to be a fight for them, and you'll always have to pay a premium to get them
  20. How dare the GF populous let this gold drop to page 2. bumpity
  21. Tchaikovsky for me. He opened the door to classical music for me, along with Jascha Heifetz. My father had a disc of nothing but Tchaikovsky's violin concertos played by Heifetz. It's brilliant, and somehow captured my imagination as a 13 year old who listed to nothing but punk. My introduction to classical music has shaped my musical tastes more than any band.
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