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Everything posted by mattyq

  1. You don't run the department that is responsible for it, he does
  2. Hermes is taking the usual management cop out - we devised the procedures but it's somebody else's fault for not following them. The fact that the procedures were rubbish and probably unworkable is neither here nor there. Darling whilst not being directly responsible should go - pour encourager les autres
  3. What about the management - surely they should have been ensuring that all procedures were followed. Actally, from an it security point of view the system should have been designed to make it impossible to do something like this ie automatic encryprion, only allowing a few senior people access to all the info etc. Also, all the cutbacks and redundancie will probably have got rid of all the experieced expensive people first leaving the cheap minions who obviously were not up to the job - they all bear responsibility for a cock up of ths magnitude
  4. Mate, on a serious note are you really thinking this? Unless you're doing a lot of standing around your legs shouldn't be that cold
  5. Madstock wears womens underwear and in other news the earth is round
  6. My dad's got a place in Florida - inbetween sarasota and Bradenton. It's a flat with communal tennis and pool/jacuzzi. They're all built in the middle of a golf course so if you like golf, which i don't, it's paradise. Going there in January for some winter sun
  7. Is that the Tate Modern? saw the crack a few weeks ago, far out man!
  8. Interesting read - missed it first time round. It's always nice seeing someone so enthused by their profession. Good luck, mate!
  9. The feminization of the GF. Shakes head, what's the world coming too? Remember ladies - cleavage is everything
  10. THink you'll find that Monday's the muthafuckin best day to be born on. Extra points for the 13th of January
  11. Ah, so true SKI. Men's opinions should generally hold more weight than mere women but in matters like these we tend to defer to the little ladies
  12. Why are you moving back, Redex? Cape |Town is the best city i've ever been too. Crime?
  13. Another one of their stories was ‘Home by Christmas’; police to withdraw from Nottingham" Just guessing like but it may be a joke
  14. Had french onion for lunch. I dissed it previously but i now realise i was greviously wrong. It's ace. Not as ace as minestrone, though
  15. Obligatory Robbief Shakes head
  16. The ladder theory's just some whine from a guy who was in love with a girl who just wanted to be friends. We've all been there and it isn't a good place to be. IMO women like men to be men and not some sort of emasculated hair straightening gayer.
  17. Isn't there a current Mrs madstock or is that soon to be resolved or has SKI agree to become wife #2 in some sort of strange mormon polygamy or are you forging ahead with a Mongstock hareem?
  18. Rash is actually more often correct than not in his opinons of players - it's just the way that he bangs on about them without respite that pisses people off
  19. Got me there, squire It seems you're worryingly well up on these things
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