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Captain Willard

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Everything posted by Captain Willard

  1. Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face. Mike Tyson
  2. Yes we’ve been watching that. Very good. National Geographic is pretty reliable quality.
  3. Voluntarily. I think Williard is on the side of the good guys though I look more like Kurtz.
  4. Ha ha. I'm taking a break from starting threads. Anyway I hope your new job is working out.
  5. Good luck. Play yourself in slowly, nobody likes a pushy new guy.
  6. I think it’s been withdrawn. Big fuck up by the agency. There will be tears and recriminations
  7. I think the point is the US army doesn’t really care about the huge amount of kit they’ve left behind. They will get to replace it all with new stuff and the arms companies will get bumper orders keeping them going for a few years hence creating jobs. The US taxpayer picks up the tab of for the debt of course but everyone else is quite happy to give it all away and start again. It’s Keynesian economics but with guns and helicopters.
  8. Was looking forward to this but it’s been a disappointment. Pretty sure they wouldn’t be constantly messaging a nuclear sub and if the reactor went down suddenly and unexpectedly I don’t think they would just turn it on again and hope it restarted. I’m no submarina but it seems unlikely to me.
  9. Met Jarvis cocker a couple of times in the street in london. Nice bloke. Very friendly.
  10. My first thought on looking at buying anything these days is how much will it cost to own. A freind of mine just bought a huge house in Liverpool and my first thought was how much it will cost to heat, maintain, insure etc. Lovely house but I wouldn’t want it.
  11. Easington, north of Newcastle. Got off the train late night in Newcastle and asked the taxi to take me there, he replied “are you sure mate, I don’t take many blokes in a suit there? “ stayed in a local hotel and the bed had a plastic sheet to protect the mattress. Just me and a couple in a huge empty restaurant and they were celebrating their wedding anniversary. The special was gammon and eggs. It was grim.
  12. This is bound to happen. Businesses will adapt until the HGV crisis is sorted. Delivery Driving jobs will become well paid which will knock on to Uber, deliveroo etc and hasten the end of these exploitative business models. This is how free labour markets are meant to work.
  13. In any industry there are a number of responses to a structural change. Reduce the price of Labour, increase the price of goods sold, innovate to improve productivity or reduce returns on capital. Becuase of the supply of cheap Labour, agriculture hasn’t had to innovate or reduce returns which is why most land owning farmers are multi millionaires but employ people on minimum wage to hand pick crops the same way the Victorians did. Now that supply of cheap Labour has gone and they can’t impose tariffs to keep out imports they are going to have to change how the industry works
  14. Yeah I think the mark up is astonishing. Must be one of the most profitable mass market products. That and glasses, mouthwash and printer ink. We need a thread on the most over priced consumer product.
  15. We took a hired one to a hand car wash once and they charged us as a medium sized car even though the price list included the word mini as a category. Terse words were exchanged . “Mini” has come to mean a car that’s smaller than an actual Mini.
  16. Marmite is a very unusual product in that it seems to have no rivals or Supermarket own brand equivalents.Vegemite doesn’t really count in my opinion. Given that Marrmite is the by product of another manufacturing process, malting, the mark up on a jar must be enormous. We should crowd fund a rival product.
  17. Somebody said to me last night, “do you remember 1980 ? , well 1980 was nearer to 1939 than it is to today”. That made me feel very old.
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