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Everything posted by thegreatelephant

  1. no romance without finance
  2. tell you what the world needs more of, yeah. more corporate skid marks that have never earned a quid for themselves without sucking at the teat or behest of others. which defines their whole pitiful existence and that of their awful drone family too. yes, there should be less people creating prose or creative writing in whatever form from their mother tongue, observations and imagination for their own fulfilment and not solely for chasing approval,. even if they are vanity projects. even Alexander o' Neal got fed up because everyone's a critic. but essentially he told them all to fuck off in his imitable style.
  3. Fletch 8/10 knockabout, effortless, wisecracking masterclass. from the Yank 80's, you know who, bullshit merchant. still enjoyable. got Fletch Lives as a double feature which i imagine might be shite, anyone know if it's worth a watch? as above i got Mrs Lowry and son to get to. son's work was my calendar choice in the sales this year. 2.99. will look forward to that.
  4. 'we train young men to drop fire on people, but their commanders won't allow them to write 'fuck' on their airplanes .......because it's obscene! '
  5. i think it's a modern Americanism because it's repetitive, annoying and pathetic- but when someone asks a question on the Radio etc, the person being asked will respond by starting a sentence with 'So..........' generally followed by some complete inane drivel. but as long as they start with that 'So', they are happy to have joined this recent fucking stupid clique to feel smug about themselves. i need a drink. and a joint.
  6. Stir Crazy 10/10 it's so funny, the top of Wilder and Pryor's game. keep seeing and hearing new things in it and facial expressions that crack me up. i got some good news for you! my wine magazines came?
  7. can't say i am a fan but her old man is a lovely old boy and Cobbler used to enjoy Jeff Young's Big Beat Show on R1 back in the days of golden-era hip-hop 'yo sucker put your brain in gear..........FRIDAY NIGHT' remember that he played the whole of Nation of Millions like they did DSOTM in the 70's when it came out
  8. The cunts in HR - an unhealthy mix twixt Boots perfume counter and Waffen SS x2 - top work that Mr. S31. nicking that to use about a female non-blood family relative - the complete fucking jumped up little twat cunt ship and all they stand for and ever will be, amen cheers
  9. yeah, my lad and nephew were both doing GCSE's. they should be ok going on their mocks and teacher assessments etc. but lets have it right- just want all families to be healthy and come out the other side of this pandemic. exams are irrelevant to a certain degree at present. both good kids, that's what i'm chuffed about. never really give them all the spiel that they are just bourgeois systems of measurement and that the joy of learning anything comes with life experience and through innate passions. that doesn't require government or corporate verification. i did the lot so to speak and it didn't really give me any real satisfaction. it helps for certain boring reasons, that's all. not always a view shared by those close to me and i'm fine with that. but then i didn't have my lad to be any sort of mini-me, which i don't subscribe to. the lucky Jim. although he has little traits of mine, that's obvious. definitely a hybrid of me and his mother which is nice to watch grow over the years. that's a great thing about being a parent. kids are a blank canvass for them to paint for themselves. there just to guide where possible and if required. my thing has been don't drop litter, hold a door open for anyone and say please and thank you. all the rest- up to you, give what you are into your best shot because you only get one. maybe.
  10. and thanks for the 9/1 on Barnes. plus that Blue Manc clown Ederson Sunday giving me a 7/1 on Martial - then us only needing 2 wins. i too salute them both
  11. first one for a good while- albeit at the very back of the WHU away section AR, 'severely restricted view'. all i could muster exchanging wry grass-snake grins with my man along the way during the match. quite the bunch of tea towels
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