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Everything posted by SilverSong

  1. The pills are like water wings that can help you keep your head above the surface. I agree with the analogy but Id always be wary of just floating about on water wings for so long that you eventually forget that you are in deep water whilst slowly the air escapes and you sink. Mrs Song had been off and on SSRIs for 14 years following the passing of one of our twin boys. She also received CBT counselling. She basically spent hour upon hour, day after day feeling absolutely non functional and in a constant daze. We were always very open and I always tried to be supportive and understanding. Failing as often as succeeding. Eventually we determined that she had to wean off the meds and never ever go back on them. This despite me working in the pharma industry. 4 years down the line Mrs Song still has bouts but she doesnt reinforce them with negativity. She is now back in full time employment after 19 years and loving moaning about it. Only one person has power over your mind and it is you, but it defintely helps to talk.
  2. Yvette Cooper just asked me why I recently registered as a Labour supporter. So I told her. Simply put Labour must once again become a party of the people, for the people. A centrist Tory-lite Labour is only good for the elite few. Austerity is only felt by the poor and it is becoming the case that the definition of poor is anyone without several hundred thousand pounds in savings. The media drives an agenda that sees the welfare state blamed for the continuing economic problems, whilst those actually to blame live in the lap of luxury. A level of financial inequality is to be expected but the polarisation of haves and have-nots has become alarming. I am sick and tired of career politications failing to represent the people whilst excelling at serving business. I am sick of the rhetoric that businesses must post ever increasing record profits else they fail. There is a fairer way. Lets work together to deliver it. For everyone
  3. Wtactualf. I was a Unilver man myself. They would never stoop to such bellendery. Apart from this one time when they introduced a new head of department and her LUXurious coiff.
  4. Portmanteau Some fucking fuckwit gobsmite had to go and start it.
  5. The only reason I desire lots of money is to free me and mine from the system. Only when free of the system can I look to take it down. I dont have and likely never will have lots of money and so alas the system it is for me. How I wish things were different. More equal.
  6. Grexit. What the actual f**k. The media yet again trivialises hugely significant news. Or is it deflection. Give it a silly little 'name', nothing to see here, move along.
  7. "From the moment I drove into Melwood last week and was greeted by Kenny the gateman" Kenny will do anything for our club. Love him.
  8. Im already looking forward to his tattoo of him signing for a club with the london eye in the background.
  9. Lost cat. Please return dead and alive to Erwin Schrodinger.
  10. We are the precariat. We are the subjugated and enslaved. The lies by which we have become such are legion.
  11. I am currently extremely frustrated. Brendan Rodgers is not good enough for LFC.
  12. The question shouldnt be about what Klopp deserves or by the same token what Rodgers deserves. The question is what do we, the fans, deserve. The answer could be Klopp. It could be Ancelloti. It isnt Rodgers.
  13. Season 3 starts early June. Richard Armitage = Francis Dolarhyde
  14. The fact that your bet was only 60-1 speaks volumes.
  15. Or "Hello, its lovely to see you again" instead of "Look just fuck off and never speak to me again you raving bore twat".
  16. Been reading up a bit on the Rxxhschilds. Not using the full name incase the ADL are listening. Fucking hell if just a tenth of the stuff they are meant to have gotten up to is true then what the actual fuck.
  17. You lying get. Pink Floyds originally titled Craters on the dark side of the moon was a vivid representation of my lurid lodgers lairy nappysack. Once whilst festooned on Hilbre Island I inadvertently invented the Digital Visible Disc but it didnt catch on.
  18. I cant see that changing. Just my opinion but I think Pedro and Sterling will continue to age at the same rate.
  19. Nailed on for Bournemouth apparently.
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