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Everything posted by Bjornebye

  1. Pretend cleaning when she’s in a mood. Why do they do that? Move stuff pretend to wipe and stamp around. She wanted to finish some series on the telly yesterday and I said no the golfs on watch it upstairs or on your iPad. I’m now in the doghouse she got up before me, took the dog out now she’s back in hadn’t spoken to me and is just moving and wiping stuff in the kitchen that’s spotless because I always clean as I cook. I’m not breaking the silence she can go and fuck herself. Weird bastards. I hate drawn out arguments or moodiness. Have it done there and then and it’s done, kapish
  2. I’d spend the rest of my life saying “Talk to me Goose” every time she speaks
  3. When your dog knows that 7am is the new 03:15,04:20,04:22,05:10 ….. A year of the cunt waking us up scratching at the bedroom door. Went from “aww cuddle right bed now go on” to “fuck off Nobhead” quite quick. Now it’s a struggle getting the little arsehole to come down for breakfast.
  4. He suggested they drink bleach! I wish they’d all listened
  5. Can’t you guess who it is yet?
  6. Yeah but I was mid 30s then and game.
  7. Arguably your best post on here
  8. No idea. Sounds like I’m lying here doesn’t it. I’m not. I know you’ll try and defend your beloveds but I saw it and it’s usual for them.
  9. Hate to say it but twitter. Looked like a few scrotes decided to attack a pub full of mancs baldies and got legged.
  10. E.T is one of about 5 films that are over a 10 out of 10. Glad the kids love it mate Daisy Edgar Bjornebye? You must follow me on instagram. 4 years going strong
  11. Hahahahaha ffs @Smell The Glove Odegaard is world class. I’d take him over any other player in the league. Only because De Bruyne is getting on obviously
  12. I was about 8 years old you fucking nonce
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