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Everything posted by Bjornebye

  1. A start would be recouping the billions stolen in the PPI scandal. Fucking Mone and he slippery husband on a yacht somewhere lapping life up without a fuck given apart from when she wants to play victim
  2. Well that last fella who proposed wealth taxes anti help combat poverty and homelessness got hounded out ….. it’s anyone’s guess why….. Labour have dropped a bollock here. And how the fuck they can justify suspending 4 MPs for voting for a removal of a benefits cap for children. That just makes it ten times worse. Im just waiting for a someone to post that people shouldn’t have kids if they can’t afford them. Then we will have started the switch to a GB news forum
  3. What does Captain Turdseye think? Our very own Labour man
  4. For many parents an extra 16 quid would be amazing. This place never ceases to amaze me.
  5. Not sure where to put this but this thread was on the front page. A solider has been stabbed near Chatham barracks. Look at the difference in reporting. DMs first concern is to whip up hatred. It might well just be a domestic incident and fuck all to do with terror.
  6. Can we get back to important subject of the evening please fellas @Red_or_Dead get a move on will you
  7. I thought the France away was the nicest kit at the Euros. Who doesn’t love a big cock
  8. https://www.theguardian.com/sport/article/2024/jul/23/deeply-ashamed-gb-dressage-star-charlotte-dujardin-pulls-out-of-olympics-over-coaching-video?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other If she’s hit her horse then fuck her
  9. Bobs. He’s going there and as Bruce said, he’s our man on the ground.
  10. She's as bad as Cleverley for just spouting utter shite.
  11. Prattling on about there no longer being a deterrent for asylum seekers since Labour got into power, the tories were successful in halting immigration blah blah blah
  12. Mountain Dew is disgusting by the way. I can’t imagine how bad the diet version is.
  13. Oh fuck off Helen Wheatley you lying Tory bastard
  14. He’s meeting with Netenyahu on Thursday.
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