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Everything posted by Mudface

  1. It's such a fucking disaster over there, I could weep for them.
  2. About a thousand fewer reported cases in Scotland compared to the usual figures this week. Then there's this on the Gov website-
  3. Brutal. Imagine if Marr, Kuntsberg or Peston did this?
  4. Here's all the hundred- padded out with pace goals obviously, but still some sensational stuff-
  5. It did make me laugh when Keown said they should be playing more long balls- they did nothing but.
  6. Shit. Really sorry to hear that. Take care.
  7. So disastrous, there'll be 40,000 at the rugby tomorrow. My brother was saying they also had referenda on legalising cannabis and euthanasia, so presumably you can now check out laughing. Christ, I wish we lived in a modern country and weren't governed by these throwback fuckwits.
  8. If you're paying £66 a month for Sky Sports, you're doing something wrong, and I think BT is £20/ month if taken without BT broadband. No one in practice is ever going to buy all the PPV games, not least because some of them will be on at the same time. It's a complete rip-off of course, but that's exaggerated.
  9. Remember when keeping the UK's triple A rating was the most important thing EVA? Then Osborne's disastrous austerity policies made us lose it, and suddenly, apparently it didn't really matter.
  10. You mean one of Trump's favourite artists didn't get through? Shows good taste, i'd say.
  11. I still don't get why- disaster capitalist cunts like Rees-Mogg sure, but for the average person there is just no upside whatsoever.
  12. It depends what happens, I guess. If they throw up 3 story houses at the bottom of your garden, your view of the estuary goes and the traffic outside your house increases threefold, then the reasons why you bought the house in the first place rapidly vanish. Neither of those happened to us, by the way, the people it happened to had the massive show houses at the other end of the estate- our part was already fully developed. It also doesn't help when the developer promises to leave a certain amount of green space, then decides to count the area of the grass verges on the pavement in the total...
  13. Go on then, as long as you throw in a programme and a pint.
  14. Serco are supplying the portaloos- £1.95 a shot/ shit, you need the exact change and the council will have to empty them.
  15. Anyone got any spares for tomorrow?
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