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Jarvinja Ilnow

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Everything posted by Jarvinja Ilnow

  1. True, but sometimes the weekend can the best time to get directors and the like (if the company's website lists them and their contact details) - I rang one at the weekend to complain about his management team's incompetence. I think it ruined his Sunday dinner and pissed him off - which was the point, as I was pissed off after trying everything through normal channels. Things got resolved very quickly after that.
  2. an atmosphere has just broken out.
  3. "take that Liverpool" - cunt of a commentator, and wrong!
  4. I'm getting sick of your pro-Klopp agenda, you would never have let Brendan get away with saying that.
  5. The chat box on my stream had someone call him: "a bad goat." He's a very bad goat.
  6. Fury's gambling a bit with the close rounds - got to at least look a bit more effective
  7. Nightcat has to fight to get on a computer in Mogadishu and you complain about his commitment? Fuck that.
  8. I think Luke Skywalker is going to be a bit Rodgers in the new movie.
  9. That's actually fairly true (or would be if I checked the facts).
  10. Jose is beginning to go bald - ha, welcome to shitesville, you cunt!
  11. What does 'barnet' mean, seriously? Also, what is 'going down like a fanny,' Alan Sex always said it was the other way round ?
  12. He lives in Somalia but all his PTSD is caused by Brendan Rodgers. Rodgers is an inhuman cunt to have done this.
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