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Liverpool 0 Crystal Palace 1 (Apr 14 2024)



Can we just go back in time eight days and have a redo of everything? What heady days they were. Top of the league with eight games left and looking forward to a European Final in Dublin. Then it all fucking collapsed around us. It’s not over and it would be overstating it to say we need a miracle, but we’ve really put ourselves in a shitty spot now.


This is what happens when you keep conceding first though. Eventually it catches up with you. Our chickens finally came home to roost. Everyone has been saying it all season. You can’t keep giving teams a goal start and expect to win every time. Even teams like Palace, who hardly ever win games. They’re dangerous if you allow them to be, and boy did we allow them to be. They played really well in the first half and we were lucky it was only a one goal deficit.


We were considerably better in the second half and could/should easily have won the game given the chances we had. The performance was laboured and we were far from free flowing, but we did enough to win the game and if two of those chances go in then this game feels an awful lot like Brighton, Sheffield United, Fulham or any of those other close ones we’ve won at home.


Those chances didn’t go in though and the reaction has been somewhat visceral. Finger pointing at specific players (mostly the forwards and Dom), talk of how they’re not good enough and that the new guy needs to replace his forward line. I mean, I get it, but it’s really not that simple. Our five forwards have scored 82 goals this season. The midfield has transformed us from the jaded, slow mess we were for most of last season into a team that got to mid-march still chasing a quadruple. As a team we’ve got, I’m not sure exactly, I think 130 goals or so. Up until 8 days ago things were going swimmingly but three games have completely torpedoed everything and we’re all lashing out wildly, particularly at the forwards, with some justification even though I think our front five have more than the forwards of Arsenal and City.


Despite the goals though we all know this is not a clinical, ruthless team. The opposite in fact. We score loads because we create loads, and the forwards are responsible for creating a lot of the chances they waste. Replace them with clinical, hardly ever miss forwards (if there even is such a thing, as even the likes of Haaland and Son miss shitloads of chances too) and you might not be creating anywhere near as much. So it’s a conundrum in that sense.


The wastefulness against United cost us badly and we had to be much better in front of goal that day than we were. Against Palace I thought for the most part it was clearly just a case of it being one of those days where we were just never going to score, probably because everyone was just a little too tense and not relaxed. The only miss I had a real problem with was the Jones one. That’s just awful. The other ones were just the kind of frustrating thing that happens on days when it’s not going for you.

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Loving the optimism. Its lifted the gloom a tiny bit.


Here hoping the golf course never gets built and the Goonies find some diamonds in an underground pirate ship  


Hey You Guys!": My Cry for Help in Preparing for Disney's Wine and Dine  Half Marathon - Travel Plans in My Hands

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9 PL clean sheets in 32 games, likes of Brentford, Burnley Luton, Forest... Villa only good one. Be nice to score first ease a bit of the pressure but then we were 3.2 up at OT and 1.0 up....

Fuck who knows.

Agree play with shackles off, Fulham is key though Win while 115s play in FA cup and they are chasing again.

Atalanta is vital to get minutes in for Jota, Trent Allisson Jones. So I expect them to play but only to set us up for Fulham. 

There is saying where I now live.

Live in Hope, die in Castleton. Feel like I have just moved to Castleton.


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This time I disagree with you on a couple of points:


The misses from Jota, Nunez, and Salah was horrendous. A good striker is orientated even in hasty situations or have an instinct for the right finish. You would never see Rush, Kane, Lewandovski or Fowler miss in those situations.


You call a win on thursday. I see that as very unlikely, I think people overlook how solid and well structured this Atalanta side is. 

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The pressure of Klopp leaving and the emotion is one thing but we've been going 1 nil down long before all that. We are systemically a gift giving team but we have top class players and create tonnes of chances. If my team kept starting poorly and going 1 down I'd be trying to address the situation not just say "let's do the same but do it better" 23 times later "let's do the same but do it better"... maybe change something in how we set up. Its far far beyond just one of those things its a gaping flaw. 

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Dave, I’ve been reading you for more than 20 years, and that is probably the first time I disagree with you (except for your weirdo point of view about Zidane obviously but I have been to med school so I put it away).


The worse miss has to be Darwin’s. He’s five meters away from the goal line, the goal wide open and he shot straight to the keeper. Horrible miss. 


You can’t miss that, it’s all about instinct, flair, ability I don’t know.


I like the lad, but the pattern is way too obvious. 

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That's how it goes sometimes, you just concentrate on making good contact and hitting the target. Sometimes the keeper saves it and you're called a bum, sometimes they fly off your shin into the top corner in a Champions League Final at Hampden Park and you're called a legend. Fine margins, Arnaud.

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I’m not sure the forwards can accuse the defence of always giving them mountains to climb going a goal down.


Maybe medium height hills given our supreme attacking talent 

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17 minutes ago, Dave D said:

I’m not sure the forwards can accuse the defence of always giving them mountains to climb going a goal down.


Maybe medium height hills given our supreme attacking talent 


Yeah mountains is an exaggeration. When it's happening all the time though it must be draining.

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8 hours ago, Dave D said:

Loving the optimism. Its lifted the gloom a tiny bit.


Here hoping the golf course never gets built and the Goonies find some diamonds in an underground pirate ship  


Hey You Guys!": My Cry for Help in Preparing for Disney's Wine and Dine  Half Marathon - Travel Plans in My Hands

We could do with Dirk kuyt about now 

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you have managed to put into words how we are all feeling. After Sunday and before the Arsenal game it was "well I am glad its all done now" but its not. 


There is only 3/4 teams in the WORLD that can go and turn over a 3 goal deficit in Europe and still go on to win. And believe me its not West Ham. They have never done anything like that before. We arent asking this team to do anything that they havent done. Its the hope that kills you. 


And with the league; yeah we have to be perfect and it sorta feels like the run in again when Villa were beating City on the last day. We are out of contention but with the pressure off; you just never never know. 


Time for Act 3. 

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19 hours ago, Dapower said:

We could do with Dirk kuyt about now 

You misspelled it there mate. It’s L. U. I. S. S. U. A. R. E. Z. 

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One last comment…. Whilst he didn’t make any difference to the outcome, -we could still be playing now without scoring, it was one of those games - I thought the ref was a total shithouse. He was mostly even handed, missed a couple of clear fouls for each team. But when palace started the inevitable time wasting and injury feigning, he took the coward’s way out and ignored it. I’ve noticed that the time wasting isn’t so obvious when you’re watching on tv, as the cameras focus on other distractions, but at the ground, it’s so blatant. At one point, Palace were taking an age over substitutions and instead of dealing with it, Kavanagh turned his back and started up a conversation with Virgil. When Ayew came on, his first 2 involvements were to, literally trip himself up, getting Curtis booked, then to flop to the floor winning another free kick for a non-foul.  From that free kick, they almost scored…. despite Andersen shoving Virgil to the floor before setting up the Mateta chance. As I say, the referee didn’t particularly affect the result, but definitely added to the intense frustration of the afternoon. (Still can’t believe we didn’t score).

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