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Bjornebye last won the day on June 3

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    Judea (about tea-time)

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  1. If I woke up next to that I’d throw myself headfirst through my own window
  2. They’ll keep up with the lies over and over just like they did last time. It will get more desperate the closer it gets and I’m sure Corbyn will be blasted all over right wing press.
  3. Just waiting for Therese Coffey to appear in that clip after having a stinking shite
  4. Yeah Sunak so I could see how far I could skim him across the Thames
  5. “I want everyone to experience the same feeling I had when I got the key to my own home” Fucking cunt
  6. Beans on a fry up test is all that matters
  7. He’s gonna be full of lies and sound bites as usual.
  8. Even reading that I’m dreaming about 90% of it being sour cream
  9. Mate if you wanna shit razor blades while your head looks like you’ve taken your helmet off on mars for 6 hours then you crack on!
  10. Easily my favourite era for music so this is difficult. I’ll stick to one song per artist. If you asked me tomorrow I’m sure it will be completely different: Wildwood - Paul Weller Heart Shaped Box - Nirvana Regulate - Warren G Slide Away - Oasis Thunderstruck AC/DC A Design for Life - Manics Trash - Suede Beetlebum - Blur Born Slippy - Underworld Dreams - The Cranberries
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