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Everything posted by Mook

  1. Aye, that one. Really like that song. The other stuff I've heard off her latest album, I'm not so keen on.
  2. I think that 'Hold Up' song by Beyoncé is really good. Having said that, I thought Destiny's Child were brilliant too, my brother & me used to steal hooks from their songs when we were writing prog rock songs.
  3. Here's a picture of Jim Morrison in Adidas. Keith Moon. John Bonham.
  4. Check the trabs on Phil Collins, 1972...
  5. Aye, Surf's Up, it's a great album and nothing like your Surfin' USA Beach Boys (although I love that stuff too).
  6. How many car crashes have you been in, in railway tunnels?
  7. Another fucking Superhero film? I would rather inject bleach into my eyeballs than watch that etc...
  8. Jane Fonda is always banging on about women's rights & all that shite, isn't she...
  9. Phone boxes are just for junkies & pishing in now. Having said that the old red ones look great & there was one near me (in Portobello) where they turned it into an art exhibit, people would fill it up with art & paint the windows, it looked brilliant. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-edinburgh-east-fife-20718330
  10. It came on Tuesday so I'm going to watch it at the weekend & I'll let you know what I reckon. I've had a busy couple of nights & would like to sit down & watch it properly without any distractions, Martin deserves that at the very least.
  11. I'll probably just watch Commando then have a packet of crisps instead.
  12. I have to in order to watch the cunt.
  13. It's almost as if there are people with different opinions from each other.
  14. I found just the man for you...
  15. That reminds me of the time I went to Kenmare in County Kerry & heard someone ask a local where the nearest shopping centre was, "New York." came the response.
  16. My Dad goes along to all the meetings with MPs & officials & the impression I get from him is that they're a long way off in terms of getting the line right down to Carlisle. The fact that they opened a single track from Tweedbank just shows how unprepared they were for the volume of people that would use the route, I use it to get to & from work every day & there aren't enough carriages from Shawfair either, people packed in like sardines every morning.
  17. Well I would have to support my Granny in getting the Waverley line reopened from Edinburgh down through Hawick & on to Carlisle. She's managed over about 50 years of campaigning (& with a lot of help) to get it back open down to Galashiels/Tweedbank but they've stopped there & are currently procrastinating regarding the remainder of the route. Wee story about her & the campaign here... http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-south-scotland-32995577
  18. We were advised by a railway enthusiast at the Stagecoach Group AGM last year that the correct term is a 'railway station'. Apparently the term 'train station' is hugely upsetting to people like him, nearly as upsetting as when I kicked him out of his wheelchair for holding up the queue. The boring twat.
  19. I see Lime Street is shut for a few days due a wall collapsing, nightmare. http://www.liverpoolecho.co.uk/news/liverpool-news/live-lime-street-latest-after-12671625 *I like Lime St Station by the way, this was just the most appropriate thread I could find to post it in.
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