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Everything posted by Bjornebye

  1. The Lingmell. Bond, Sambuca and a plug to charge your phone. Fit barmaids and almost empty after food service. Never again but ….. what a rush
  2. Hahaha how annoying is the kid though I’d have thrown him out the wagon on the highway. Great film Wrong thread mate
  3. Fuck sake. The one on Prescot high street used to sell doorstop toast 20p for 2 slices I think. I used to go there on my way to school. I’d always get an extra slice because they knew my dad. My mates used to fume I was the cock of the toast game. Best toast ever they must have put a tub of butter on each slice fucking bliss. Wasn’t tiger bread just big thick slices of amazing bastard. *fucks off into the kitchen before Bond*
  4. Nah he’s a cunt for missing. A wanking cunt though which gives him proper man points god bless him
  5. Why am I even engaging with you? You’re a fucking coffee table from Durham
  6. Let them compete abroad then so they can see what the people think outside of their media silenced country
  7. The nipper is eating better breakfasts than most of the perverted cunts on here. Somewhere as we speak a Glasgow chef is rubbing his arse on some black pudding
  8. I don’t get how banning athletes from the olympics helps any cause. Same as Medvedev getting banned from Tennis. Just gives an excuse for the victim line from those actually orchestrating the barbarism. Let them compete. If they get booed in front of a global audience then maybe more people will question why. Medvedev is my favourite tennis player now Nadal is done and not once have I disliked him because he’s Russian
  9. So Britain, The US, China, Russia, a good few African countries and Venezuela shouldn’t compete then?
  10. No idea mate I doubt he’s flounced. Probably on holiday or something I haven’t asked
  11. Why shouldn’t they be? Their athletes aren’t killing people.
  12. Ask him yourself mate Your mate McIlroy flounced though …
  13. I don’t know mate. There were dolphins in the Venice canals during lockdown
  14. They’ve been crowing that for years. Appears fans of the horrible cunts caused murder as usual outside and got sparked out by a few horrible cunts.
  15. Horrible cunts had a friendly tonight against the horrible cunts at murrayfield and the horrible cunts won 2 nil against the horrible cunts
  16. If you’re ever after a scrap just find a pub with a blue or two in and remind them that slave arena holds less than Anfield. You’re not real are you
  17. If 6 years is a very unlikely target ….. what’s wrong with starting now anyway instead of saying fuck we need to start now we’ve only got 6 years Logic escapes those that only deny climate change because Greta Thunberg snarled Trump
  18. Anti vax anti trans anti climate change anti immigration anti anything that either doesn’t concern them or makes the world a better place it’s always weird right wing cunts. Talk about a bubble. Badenoch was a disgrace in Parliament this week and she might well end up Tory leader. Right wing cunts
  19. Lots of shots on the back of the head
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