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Everything posted by Bjornebye

  1. This. It was lovely. Those words can’t be sung or spoken badly.
  2. Knew they’d nicked Shergar and every cunt blamed the IRA Apologise now
  3. What the fucks going on now they’ve got boats on the road is that Mrs Claus?
  4. Aldgate had a better day on 7/7 than that fucking monstrosity. Don’t be bringing that back up here in your stomach you sicko I’m ringing the Rail Network
  5. We could have shared them …….
  6. Could have knocked on for fuck sake
  7. Or maybe he already knew he was no threat so just booted and stamped on his head anyway
  8. I’ve tried pixelated Japanese porn but I just can’t finish. Found a few non pixilated ones and they’ve all got tiny cocks so there’s no chance. What?
  9. Someone needs to print that picture out and put it in-front of Slots face. “This man followed Shankly 50 years ago. This is your job 50 years later. You’re in the halls of immortals. Go and join the club”
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