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Nantwich girl

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Everything posted by Nantwich girl

  1. I don't know much about northern Ireland. But I can't imagine anybody in their right mind would want to go back to shootings and bombings on a weekly basis. I also don't understand why we would want to keep ni and equally I can't understand why some in ni would want to be a part of the republic bearing in mind that theirveconomy isvtotally kaput and would only be worsened by taking back the north minus British tax payers money.
  2. When I was at uni one of the blokes in our group was a real perv. He had a car and was always offering lifts home to me and my friends after nights out. He lived off campus with his girl friend who wasn't a student. He used to try it on with all of us and he used to make really crude comments about us all being students and we should all act like it and shag each other. He always used to pretend he was joking when he said things like this(but you could tell he wasn't). Anyway we just used to laugh at him and if he was desperate enough to give 3 drunken girls a lift home from town when they texted him then serves him right. One Friday night my friend rang him from a bar and asked if he could pick us up? He said no problem and was there in about 10 minutes. He got out of the car and opened the door for us and when the last of us got in (Sarah) he put his hand up her dress and groped her. He said it was an accident and he just meant to put his hand on her back to help her in the car (yeah ok). On Monday when we were back in studies he was telling some of the orher blokes that Sarah didn't wear any knickers when she went out in case she got lucky! We then decided to get our own back so the next weekend we called him again (we all wore jeans that night) he picked us up and made some crude comments again. Just before we got home I took a (clean!) pair of knickers that I had brought with me from home out of my hand bag and put them under his seat along with a condom wrapper. The week after next he was asking the other guys if he could move into their house as his girlfriend had kicked him out. He used to brag about how this girl was that desperate to be with him he could order her to do stuff and she would just do it. Things like go out and get me some beer/smokes, iron my clothes and most notably clean my car twice a month! Turns out whilst doing this she found a g string and a condom wrapper. She wasn't as desperate as he thought and she binned him off. The really bizarre thing is we thought he would twig it was us who did it but he didn't! Anyway Brendon if you're reading this it was me. Ps serves you right you big perv.
  3. I agree that some people need to take control and responsibility for themselves. However, depression can be a stealthy illness that may not have one single trigger. It can creep up on a person over several years, usually manifesting itself completely after some traumatic event. What some people don't realise Is that if you get in to that state you can't just pull yourself out of it or just cheer up! Your brain will be in a downward spiral because it is absorbing serotonin ( feel good chemical) before it can do any good for the persons mood. It's at this point that tablets are really the only option. The usual drug is an ssri specific serotonin reuptake inhibitor. After a few weeks the person should start to feel more like themselves. It's an evil illness depression that if not treated right can easily result in somebody destroying their lives and the lives of others and can easily end in suicide. Anybody who has it or has had it gets my sympathy :-(
  4. I think people are looking back at star wars through Rose tinted glasses. Lotr is a far better story line, better acting, better special effects, better director Plus viggo mortensen is more watchable than Harrison Ford.
  5. People need to watch less trash tv, read less trash magazines and stop going on social network sites and just live their lives how they want to. No need for ADs then.
  6. 10 oscars wasn't it? How many have the star wars films won??? Lucas ripped off lotr with his story anyway!!
  7. Choose to believe what you want. I tried to expand on what I meant but you obviously know better and aren't interested in my explanation. So I think I'm probably justified in telling you to go fuck yourself in your self-righteous arsehole with a BLACK rubber fist.
  8. Nope The elevator buttons have been vandalised.
  9. I think you misunderstand what I was saying. I know people who claim not to be racist (I have black friends and employ people based on ability not colour etc) but when their daughter started dating a 2nd generation immigrant bloke from Pakistan they went mental with her and almost threatensd to disown her. You could understand if he was a waster or one of the disaffected asian yoof but he was studying to be a doctor and was a really good guy. You never know what opions somebody really had unless something like this happens! Btw his parents and his brothers were equally as bad about her (faithless whore was one thing she was called by his dad) so it goes both ways as well.
  10. Every morning a man leaves his flat on the 11th floor of his building. He takes the lift to the ground floor and leaves the building. When he returns after work he always gets the lift to the 5th floor and walks up the remaining 6 flights. Why does he do this?
  11. The true test is... Would any of you ( honestly) be completely happy if your only daughter wanted to marry a Pakistani ?
  12. You use different muscles when running than you do when cycling. I regularly do 50 minutes on an elliptical trainer (different motion to cycling)notching up about 13km if I go running I can only manage 20 minutes before I'm too tired to continue. Runnings bad for your joints anyway :-)
  13. How come god only showed himself and performed miracles back in the olden days, before media coverage and the invention of video recorders. I mean he was in everybody's face thousands of years ago wasn't he? Floods, talking snakes and bushes. If he didn't have a problem showing up and putting himself about a bit why doesn't he do it now so that his message can be seen by everyone? Oh I know why, it's because he only actually exists in stories created to give guidance to people and used by the organised religions of the day to keep the uneducated and dangerous masses in their place!
  14. Spheres or orbs are supposed to be physical manefestations spirits trying to contact the living! I sometimes go and see an angel reader and she says some people can see them
  15. Zombies and aliens???? I suspect some of you are spending too much time on the playstation. :-)
  16. When I was at uni I had weird dreams in the first year I was there. I remember having nightmares about being involved in a crime ( I think it was stealing money) and I was caught and I was going to loose everything and go to prison but I had to finish my degree first of all. I remember thinking in the dream as well that I didn't even need the money and it was all just a stupid mistake. I used to wake up crying with my heart racing.
  17. I'm 5'4 and weigh 8'8, but I still recon I could drop a sad loser like you with one well Placed kick in your teeny weeny marble sack ;-)
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