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jacco maccaco

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Everything posted by jacco maccaco

  1. I'd like to walk hand in hand with her through Delamere Forest, kicking our feet through Autumn Leaves. Not quite sure I've got the hang of this thread....
  2. Really havent got the hang of editing on this new site Sorry if it looks a bit crap
  3. I lost my Sister in 2012 from Liver Cancer. From her walking in to Hospital in Sheffield to her dying took just under 2 weeks. To this day I still can't get my head around it and not a day goes by without me thinking about her. Strangely though the memories from that fortnight are on the whole ok. I had the chance to sit with her even though she was rapidly going downhill and I had a truly wonderful day one Saturday with my entire family just talking to her and reminiscing even when the drugs took hold and she drifted off to sleep. The last time I spoke to her was as I was leaving to return home and she said not to forget she loved us all I kissed her on the head, told her I loved her and went home to my wife and 2 boys She died a day later as I was about to take my Mum back to the Hospital (We live in St Helens) My dad rang and said "She's gone, take your time coming over" Telling my 2 boys was the worst part, I sat with them and tried to explain that their aunty had been very ill and Won't be coming home again. The oldest was 9 at the time and wanted to know what I meant, the youngest who was 7 just turned on his heels and ran off, strange how he understood before the oldest? Even though I was totally devastated by the whole thing I'm totally at peace too, as I had the chance to say goodbye and tell her how much I loved her. I still have moments though, an occasional song on the radio or a certain smell will hit hard. Grief is a strange one as its totally different to everyone, People I know and work with have all exhibited it in many different ways from a total breakdown in front of me to barely a shrug of the shoulders . Very Cathartic this, as it's the first time I've ever put this in writing even though I've found it relatively easy to discuss with people And that is the thing really - Discuss it It won't be easy and will have to be at your own pace but try and talk with someone, it does help.
  4. Clive Owen is probably the best bond that never was And he supports a certain sporting team..
  5. It really is good, 9/10 for me. Lots of humour and the fact it nearly turned in to a Wes Anderson film half way through was a bonus. Agree it’s utterly charming and probably Hugh Grants best film to date. Recommended
  6. Please tell me this hasn't been posted before? John Carpenters The Thing...in the medium of Pingu
  7. They Live. Or Big Trouble in Little China. Can’t quite decide.
  8. And with him being the herald for Galactus... Pure speculation on my behalf, but would be good...
  9. My 14 year old son was listening to this earlier 14! Hope for us all yet.
  10. Shouldn’t this be in the “quite the most disturbing thing you’ve seen in a while” thread? Or the “Wake up in a cold sweat because of something you’ve seen on the internet” thread? Can’t decide.
  11. Definately having "Iranian Dave Whelan" for work tomorrow. A few Bitters were I work, it'll go down a treat.
  12. The knowledge that we are not the only intelligent life in the known universe ( the thought we are the only ones is a far more scary proposition) The successful cloning of Mammoths and other Pleistocene mega fauna To live long enough to know my Children can do with out me To be able to transfer your conscience to a machine and live for ever....But not like Cain in Robocop 2
  13. I'm thinking more and more about retirement and it's still at least 10 years away.
  14. Thought more of Brian Barwick to be honest. Unless he's there to make them see sense and bin it off to Manchester or London?
  15. So one NATO member making threats of War against another NATO member? Wonder how that one will turn out then... Last I heard theres anywhere between 400,000 and 750,000 Expats living in Spain too What a Governement we have!
  16. I see amongst the rabid euphoria of Article 50 day this little gem went un-noticed... https://www.theguardian.com/media/2017/mar/29/andy-coulson-hired-as-telegraph-pr-adviser Genuinely expected him to fetch up at a Murdoch establishment thereby "Putting the band back together" Utter contemptable cunt.
  17. As someone who cant see past the 6 Classic malts (Give or take a Springbank or 2) I've decided to broaden my horizons a little. I have just ordered this and will hopefully snift a little this weekend (Thank you GF!) What shall I expect?
  18. Not a million miles from me is a road being dug up to secure the foundations of a bridge that crosses the A580 (East Lancs) Fine, it was known ages ago by all concerned and the fact it takes 20 minutes to travel 400m is acceptable due to the diversion. What however is not acceptable is some fucking idiot whilst digging the road rupturing the water main to pretty much everyone around here. Do these nobs not have plans as to where main utilities are laid? United Utilities are now on site with 6 water tankers feeding water back into the system while they repair the main pipe.
  19. How about under 2 Minutes? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mMaFcBWSAeA
  20. So "2012" + "The day after tomorrow" = Geostorm Lazy Hollywood.
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