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Ezekiel 25:17

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Everything posted by Ezekiel 25:17

  1. Listening to them now alchemy live, outstanding. Gayest song would have to be Outside by George Michael or maybe a little respect by Erasure.
  2. name: Alan age: 24 occupation: pen pusher born: Liverpool living in: Bootle loving: Pizza hut delivery, trying to chop wood after watching Bruce Lee movies, me lad. hating: My bird looking into wether I have psychological issues because Im a middle child. currently reading: Just read, Donnie Brasco, Cass pennant. christmas wish list: Crate of magners, an ultimate fighting hangover cure. at this moment I should really be: Taking her doggibizl for a wizzle.
  3. If anyone fancies a butchers heres my squad anyway, iv only lost 4 games in two seasons including a 7-0 against Arsenal and a 5-0 away to the Blueshite. http://i144.photobucket.com/albums/r198/alantylermorgan/liverpool.jpg
  4. Well im not as bad as you witnessed anyway ! we will see next time.
  5. :P Pete you cunt thats the last time you get golf lessons for free sunshine !
  6. Sweet, so the cunt is palying shite for no reason then, 31 million I payed for him.
  7. When scallies are gettting off from each they always say "in a bit lad", cant think of anything that goes through me more.
  8. You think bed knobs and broomsticks is one of the best British Films, in my best Old Skool voice, Thats Awesome.
  9. Dont learn new things, they will only replace old things, 'like that time I took that wine making course and forgot how to drive'
  10. I signed gonzalo Rodriguez and hes got in his restrictions 45 mins per game, whats this all about ? can I only play him for half a game or what ? does anybody know ?
  11. Tried to spice up your average porn with a bit of humour, hope you liked.
  12. Happens to me all the time, they always say 'what are you up to' what the fuck does this mean, where am I going ? what job have I got ? its just a fuckin horrible question, I also hate people who ove use the expression 'well at the end of the day'.
  13. Just another absolute classic. Bonanza Bros- Sega Mastersystem.
  14. My 12 month old son slept it our bed last night. At aproximately 3:15 I was rudely and painfully awakened by him purposfully dropping a brass bed knob on my head, It has its up and downs........
  15. The Day after Tomorrow, In fact most disaster movies, they should be edge of the seat compelling movies but there not, they just get lost in some shit sub plot about a guy who needs to save his philipino daughter from impending doom (whilst falling in love with some tart from work).
  16. http://www.torrentspy.com/search?query=adobe+photoshop download the torrent, cant get much cheaper than free.
  17. Cheers lads, as for the xas calendar must have spent about 15 hours on that last week, badly addictive.
  18. no probs, In all seriousness though it blocks absolutely everything, tried others and this is the best.
  19. I kept getting pop ups for 'Live Sex in my area' they were annoying for ages then quite intriguing, to cut a long story short I got the pop up blocker before I did something I may later regret.
  20. http://www.download.com/3000-7786-10048866.html Its quality, simple to install and does well exactly what it says on the tin.
  21. I want to download a pc game but can anyone recommend a good one ?. One that wont dont my head using the mouse and keyboard if possible, action or shooting, something like that.
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