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Klopp: The story of the season is that the squad have shown great character and a sensational attitude


It may be another game that Liverpool relinquished a lead as they continue their underwhelming end to the season but Jurgen Klopp only sees the positives for this team.


In his penultimate fixture as Liverpool manager, the Reds had a 3-1 lead heading into the last 10 minutes against top four aspirants Aston Villa but conceded two goals in three minutes as the home team secured a vital point in their quest for Champions League qualification.


It was an ending rather symbolic of what we have seen from this Liverpool team for the past six weeks or so. A lack of composure at vital moments and gifting opportunities to the opposition which they have not wasted.


There was nothing of seismic significance for Liverpool other than wanting to give their departing manager a victory on his final away fixture in the Premier League. A top three finish had been sealed and they couldn’t move from that position.


In normal circumstances losing a lead so close to the end of the game would have further repercussions but speaking at the end of a frantic fixture, Klopp cut a figure of someone who is at ease with the situation, knowing that he is leaving his successor with players who are on the upward trajectory as the Echo reported.


“I am allowed to see just the good bits of the season. If you carry on then you have to think about what didn't go well and make changes and adjustments of whatever. But that’s obviously not me.


"It’s interesting how Harvey has come through, he is already a while here in his fourth season, he was already among the best players before he got badly injured. He had a good game today.




“Jarell, yes, Conor, yes. James McConnell, Bobby Clark, Kaide Gordon, long long injured, back now, really good, Stefan Bajcetic, the basis is there. And all the other big guns. New influences always help, that’s how it is.


“We did what we could. If we could have done better, we probably would have. We are where we are and that’s it.”


To Liverpool fans in general, the late season drop-off has been deflating and in some ways inexcusable as hopes for a fitting trophy-laden ending for the man who has meant so much to so many has gone up in smoke.


But inside the inner sanctum, Klopp paints a different picture, one of pride and quiet optimism, something that we have grown to respect so much about the German.


He is not just a manager of footballers, he is a guardian type figure that will protect his squad at all costs and emphasise their qualities to the outside world making them walk ten feet taller in the process.


It is an attribute that you simply cannot replicate and one that the players themselves will miss greatly.


“You can make of it what you want and say it is the story of the season, I don’t see it like that. For me the story of the season is the boys showed have a really, really good character and a sensational attitude.




“That’s why were are here today and why we have 79 points, a lot. I know nobody wants to hear that, but being this season the third best team in the league, from where we are coming from, is a statement as well as improvement with a lot of changes.


“ I like it, I’m not over the moon about it, but since a week or two we have to accept we cannot be the best or the second best team in the league. That’s a good basis for the future and that’s all you can ask for."



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That was the story of the season, right up until March 10th. 


Then Edwards returned(March 11th) and the season imploded raising serious questions about most of these players mentality or quality.

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Long title for the DVD that.


It's been a disappointing end to the season but it's hard to overstate the job he's done competing with city, they're just in a different league financially by both fair means and foul.

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Last season we ended with 67 points, this season we'll hopefully break 80, despite a terrible injury crisis and one of the worst collective goal droughts I've seen. It's not bad. The pressure was ramped up by Klopp leaving, but I don't think we should be throwing the baby out with the bathwater. 


I'm more pissed off about the Europa than the league as it was a miracle we were even in the running. We should have finished the set though, those Atalanta games were awful.


New dawn, we have a lot of talent and ability in this squad, maybe the kick up the arse they need. Tough for the new manager, concerned about the social media nonsense if they struggle early.

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2 hours ago, Section_31 said:

Long title for the DVD that.



“We did what we could. If we could have done better, we probably would have. We are where we are and that’s it.”


Just need the cover picture now.

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17 minutes ago, TheHowieLama said:


“We did what we could. If we could have done better, we probably would have. We are where we are and that’s it.”


Just need the cover picture now.


How about a picture of Klopp picking at the thread on his jacket sleeve when we were desperate for changes while getting slapped by Atalanta of Palace (I forget which).

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For the most part they have.


Other times it's been questionable.


Against Atalanta we definitely gave up so too the Merseyside derby....not all of them, but a lot of them.


Other times like West Ham or Brighton we can't be arsed to play until the 2nd half starts after Klopp's reminded them they're 1 down.



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They have shown mental strength in a few games but honestly so many times the repeated mistakes, shoulder shrugs or even just smiling when a decision goes against them. Getting beat 2 nil by Everton... EVERTON! who looked like they wanted it more, no they did want it more that was disgraceful. Not beating that United side. I think we've shown huge character sometimes and genuinely abysmal other times. The league cup was ace, the youngster doing it against the odds that was special. The league though, I haven't enjoyed it at all I dont think there's many games we've played well. We are like that training robot in the film with Hugh jackman it's like we are designed for the level of opposition we play no matter how shit we will adapt to be at their level and it becomes a battle.


I cant tell if we have performed better than the sum of our parts because we've overrated the parts we have and Klopp has elevated them or we have performed worse than the sum of our parts because our system/tactics are dogshit that makes every parts job harder. I know we've had injuries too.


No idea what to expect performance wise from the team next season, not a clue. I dont really know what the team is. It's felt like a season were we have professionally papered over the cracks, though more than likely it's just because the season has ended poorly its shaped my opinion unfairly. 100 percent Klopp transformed our fortunes so much I'm an entitled cunt, though having lived through the 90s/00s I know that eventually fades away. 





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Fully agree with the sentiment up to the Man United FA Cup game. 

Politely disagree given the general shitshow since, a few games aside. 

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