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Everything posted by SilverSong

  1. Army of the Dead on Netflix. Fookin ace zombieheistastic.
  2. So far removed from the book as to be ridiculous. Could have, should have been world building and lead to Rainbow 6. Why even call it Without Remorse.
  3. This x3. I literally have 3 bilateral prolapsed discs in my lower back. Several years ago my Dr told me cauda equina was a real risk and that surgery was more a when than if. The pain does flare up but I just do everything I can to keep fairly mobile. Waitaks advice is sound especially wrt core.
  4. The Dent Collector. While looking for work in America, a British insurance expert finds a job working for a mod as a dent collector. But when a job turns bad, he is forced to return to the office and file a report.
  5. And so it starts. Our bloody infallible prime minister "The general view is people have had quite a few days off, and it wouldn’t be a bad thing for people to see their way round to making a passing stab at getting back into the office,” My blood is literally boiling. In governments opinion, and therefore the new media rhetoric in waiting, us feckless plebs who have worked from home as mandated are workshy and most likely taking the piss. Personally speaking I have never worked more hours, been more stressed or been less capable of switching off than when working from home. Boris Johnson you are a despicable stain on humanity and perpetual misery would be too good for you.
  6. Whats the theory regarding who wants to meet Rambeau. Is it still RR.
  7. Ahh but remember there was no national outtage. Cos outtage and shortage are the same thing. Question Mr Twatcock, did all national healthcare providers have all the ppe that they required. No. So there was a national shortage. No. So did the nation have all the ppe it needed. No. So there was a national shortage. No. Are you actually a complete and utter fuckwit. Yes.
  8. In this modern era of stats stats heatmaps and damned lies is there any data out for like ball speed. We just seem to be moving the ball more slowly.
  9. Thanks, I now kinda understand the what of it. Still dont understand the why or how. Why can shares be borrowed. How can more than 100% of shares be in play. Just 100 shares of company XYZ exist. How can 2000 of them be in play.
  10. SongJr has joined the GME train and is quite prepared to lose a few bob if it helps shake the tree. As a consequence I now be thinking whats it all about. So apparently I can borrow 1 share of XYZ valued at £10 for £10 (why borrow not buy) then slag off XYZ such that shares are more likely to devalue to £5 (such is my influence) and then buy at £5. I return my borrowed share and Im £5 quid up. Hey presto, nothing dodgy like manipulation here. Why can you even borrow shares. Surely its a buy/sell situation. How can you even trade in more than 100% of something. You cant trade more than there is. I dont get it. Seems dodgy as fuck to me.
  11. Deleterious. Contemperaneous. I be jiggered if I could use both of them there monstrosities in a single sentence.
  12. Yupp, I would also have preferred 6 points from our last 4 league games instead of the 3 we actually got.
  13. Infuckingsane. Mind you I trust yougov about as much as I trust pfeffel.
  14. I actually thought it gave a high level of false positives. Mayhaps its just the opposite test.
  15. Mrs Song works in care sector for vulnerable adults. Twice a week they do PCR test* and lateral flow* at start of every shift. She's just been told they now need to do lateral flow in own time on non-shift days. The logic seems to be get tested everyday. * I might have the technical terms wrong. I basically mean slow result and fast result.
  16. Be like me and never regret missed opportunities. I certainly dont regret the times I didnt invest the price of a cheap night on the lash on a fuck load of satoshi back in 2012, current value upwards of £500,000. Thankfully I hadnt heard of Bitcoin back in 2010 cos at the risk of a few quid I'd now have that much money I'd probably have to be a fucking tory. Lucky escape.
  17. Imagine all the people living life in peace.
  18. Id actually argue the very opposite. If it was genuinely r5 v r3 then by 10th generation of unchecked transmission that would be circa 10mill vs 600k infected. Methinks they plucking numbers and chatting shite as per.
  19. That was quite the episode. Pure unadulterated Star Wars vibe.
  20. My favourite bit is when phish said "without lack of evidence...."
  21. Baby Yoda cutesy my arse. Orrible Little Fukkin Food Mouth Twat more like.
  22. So I be living life in Tier 3, mostly working from home. On occasion I be required to attend my site of employ in that there Wrexham. So from Friday can I go to the office when required. Clear as mud.
  23. Read earlier that the threshold for Tier 3 is simply Tier 2 not working. Bearing in mind that the tier system is not yet actually in place how then does Liverpool go straight to Tier 3. Politics methinks.
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