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Everything posted by cloggypop

  1. Remember back to before Annie was a successful international multi qualified business man and was just running his wee shop for ten years plagued only by the odd black shoplifter...
  2. I do drink quite a lot of wine: red, white, or champagne. It doesn't matter if it's expensive or not because all wine is good. https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2008/may/25/foodanddrink.boris
  3. Getting a flashback to Anny Road here
  4. They can't even spell his name the same way twice.
  5. More on this. Bill Drummond 'It comes careering in from outer space, hits the world in Iceland, bounces back up, writhing about like a conger eel, then down Mathew Street in Liverpool....Back up, twisting, turning, wriggling across the face of the earth until it reaches the uncharted mountains of New Guinea, where it shoots back into space. Deep space....This interstellar ley line is a mega-powered one. Too much power coming down it for it not to writhe about. The only three fixed points on earth it travels through are Iceland, Mathew Street in Liverpool and New Guinea. Wherever something creatively or spiritually mega happens anywhere else on earth, it is because this interstellar ley line is momentarily powering through the territory.' https://peterchrisp.blogspot.com/2015/01/pulling-cosmic-trigger-part-2-cosmic.html?m=1#:~:text=He came to imagine that,Street in Liverpool....
  6. I'm stood outside the Dispensary and just had a flashback to when all the other side of the road was Rapid Hardware
  7. 42 points. Safe. Can ease off for the rest of the season now.
  8. Give Lankum a go for decent Irish stuff Osees are still the best live band on the planet under various spellings Try Lewsburg if you fancy some great Dutch music heavily influenced by the 3rd Velvet Underground album.
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