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Nelly-Szoboszlai last won the day on December 16 2023

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    Top Secret stuff.

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  1. Considering that she’s ill, she didn’t half belt that out. Fair play to her.
  2. Is the horse on its way to the local abattoir?
  3. I hope half of these cunts aren’t in the breakdancing competition. They keep falling over!
  4. Deffo the weirdest Olympic opening ceremony ever, this.
  5. My cousin used to be a bizzie. Don’t really see much of him now as he got a nark on when I took the piss out of Everton on Facey and deleted me. He worked his way up the ranks but always wanted to be in the armed response team. He gave up a decent role to transfer across to there when he eventually passed the required tests (failed them a few times). He lasted a couple of months. He hated it. He said that it was full of ex-military blokes who were proper obsessed with guns, were constantly itching for a kick off and an opportunity to use their guns. Quite a few head the balls and racists too, albeit that is just an anecdotal account.
  6. I’m not sure that what happened before really matters that much. Most of the footage released shows that the members of the public didn’t represent a threat to the police or other member of the public when the police used (what appears to be) unnecessary violence against them. It also doesn’t really matter if the ones who had violence used against them were the same people who broke the female officer’s nose either. The police are there to uphold the law and arrest anyone who has broke the law. They’re not there to exact vigilante justice on people because one of their own got smacked. I’d be surprised if the bizzies got away with it what with it all being on camera. But, saying that, I’d be equally surprised if anything happen to the bizzies. Because, well, just because.
  7. Of course he has. You only have to look at the skin colour of the victim to understand why.
  8. More apparently unnecessary violence from the same incident. https://x.com/AbuHafsah1/status/1816190741284282416
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