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Everything posted by ODZ

  1. Oh right, that's so simple. Let's relocate Israel to some imaginary land and that will solve the problem. Can we all move to the Wirral? I've heard Birkenhead was a shithole, I'm sure we can revive that area. The Arab/Muslim conflict will be over, because Israel is the sole reason they are pissed. With it gone, the sand from their collective vaginas will disappear. They will become peaceful natives of this planet and they will have no issue with the Western world. This is what you don't understand about the extreme fundamentalist Muslim movement that Hamas is just a part of. Hamas is not a part of the Palestinian resistance movement that fight for independence. That's not what they want. All you have to do to realize what they want is listen to them. But it's okay, you'll soon figure it out, Europe is a demographic time bomb. First of all, Israelis are not the problem. Israeli and Palestinian decision makers are the problem. If both sides genuinely wanted peace, there would be a peace treaty within six months. I'm not kidding. Put me in charge, I seal the deal with Abu Mazen in a couple of months, and I'm not simplifying the conflict. It's really more simple than people realize, whoever says that it's a "complicated affair" is a bullshitter. Here's the essence of it: 1. Arabs want to destroy Israel. 2. Israel wants to hold on to as much territory as it can. As long as these two things continue, there will not be peace. Israel needs to give up the idea of expansion by settlement. They need to fuck that off, but fucking that off is not enough for the conflict to end. There was no occuption in 1947 when the Arabs wanted to kill us. There was no occupation in 1967 when the Arabs still wanted to kill us. The notion that the occupation is the cause of the conflict is nonsense, the occupation was a result of the conflict. The conflict started when the Arabs wanted to kill us, and we wanted to survive. We then beat them over and over again and got cocky, conquered the West Bank and Gaza in 1967 and thought we could settle in a land of dispute and get away with it. Israel's government got greedy. But the Arabs? And I do say Arabs because it's much more than a "Palestinian" issue. The Palestinians did not exist as a nation in 1948 (check history). Most of them still want to kill us, most of them see an independent Palestinian state as one step towards annhilating Israel, not ending the hostility. They need to give that up. They need to accept that there's going to be a tiny Jewish state, the only Jewish state, surrounded by large and vast Arab nations and deal with it. Shut the fuck up about it already and move your backward, ignorant and illiterate infested countries forward.
  2. I'd contemplated writing a constructive answer to the general narrative of some who think Israel should be eradicated and that there is probably a good reason why so many have wanted to wipe out the Jews but I've decided against it as it's a lost cause. I'll only say that if the people who say these things had actually lived here (whether as Palestinians or Israeli's), they'd be the very extremists on both sides who are part of the problem, not the solution. If you are this rage filled by this subject that is so far away from your every day life and you're very ignorant to (or you just feel the liberty to type this vitriol from the safety of your keyboard), you'd be a lost, rage filled soul living here. You'd be the very people you hate. Consider yourself lucky.
  3. ODZ


    Here is the problem. It's not one sided. The powers that be on both sides have an interest in maintaining this conflict. The Israeli government benefits from it and Hamas does as well. Hamas benefits from the suffering of its own people in a much more straight forward way, they're extremely vicious. The more desperate the Palestinians get, the more powerful they grow. Hamas does not want an independent Palestinian state, that's not what they're fighting for, as their existence isn't relevant without the conflict. For peace to happen, the decision makers on both sides need to benefit from peace more than they would from war. That's not easy to achieve. You need the moderates to outvoice the extremists. They may be larger in numbers, but they've grown cynical over the years, so it's hard to reach that point. The truth is simple, neither side is "right" and picking a side is counter productive. I also think it's unfortunate that the Israeli's are seen as monsters. They're human beings, who are scared and have become very defensive as a result. We have no beef with the people of Iran, as they suffer at the hands of their government much more than we do over here. I wish people would make the seperation.
  4. ODZ


    This latest turn of events is nothing but a war generated by Benjamin Netanyahu in order to change the narrative of the coming Israeli elections in two months. The right wing in Israel has a destructive economic policy that serves the rich and powerful and oppresses the poor and less fortunate. It retains power by instilling fear into Israeli citizens so that complaints over their oppressive and corrupt behaviour get swept under the carpet. This is not a coincidence that the last major operation in Gaza came in 2009, shockingly enough, just before the last elections. It's an insult to people's intelligence that this operation is to secure the safety of Israeli citizens. Sadly, people here are too damn stupid and ignorant to realize they are being held hostage by their own government, and will end up voting for the same man who raids their pockets and their minds, because of fear. Benjamin Netanyahu and Ehud Barak are con men who will stop at nothing in order to preserve their power to govern. They don't care about any lives lost from either side, they don't care what they're dragging the people of Israel into, they only care about their greed.
  5. It seems inevitable that you'll end up giving her the best minute of her life. Congratulations.
  6. I doubt Borini will score in double digits.
  7. The main issue I have with FSG is their lack of consistency. One week you hear one thing, the next they do the complete opposite. One week they can compete with any club in the world financially, the next they're haggling over £2m. One week they go in search of a manager working under a DOF, the next week they toss that aside and promise full power to their appointment. It just gives the unavoidable impression they don't really know what they're doing.
  8. Didn't we clear our wage bill by ₤25m a year?
  9. ODZ

    Luis Suarez

    If he's not gone this summer, he's definitely gone next summer if we stay where we are.
  10. The players we're attempting to sign are certainly an indication of our lack of ambition.
  11. Women's tennis is shit. Look how out of shape Serena is. If the tour wasn't such a joke, she wouldn't be anywhere near the top.
  12. Actually, I think there aren't. Jay Spearing is beyond terrible. A defensive midfielder who can't win the ball, can't close people down, and just pretends to be busy chasing his own tail. He shouldn't be playing at this level for one minute, and I doubt he gets into any Premier League team's line up.
  13. The epic cunts are basically the uneducated, neanderthalic, right wing boneheads that vote for Bibi Netanyahu. The massive stoners are the minority peace loving population that go to trips in South America and Asia to try and get away from the epic cunts.
  14. Spectacular rack. I forgot there was even a game today for a second.
  15. Great game from the big man. Little service again but still gave everything out there.
  16. I'd take him back in a blink of an eye. Think him and Suarez would destroy the league.
  17. Charlie Adam consistently covers more ground per game than any other Liverpool player. If he looks fucked after 60 minutes, maybe it's because he runs too much, but I'm pretty sure the stats will back me up on that one. It's his defensive awareness that is sometimes the problem, not his fitness. You can coach that into him.
  18. My favourite Liverpool player currently, and our most dangerous offensive weapon bar Suarez this season (Gerrard barely played so...) Not as bad defensively as he's made out to be (he's not great but he's not terrible), and his flaws can be coached out IMO. Excellent signing at a bargain price.
  19. They've suffered for decades in the shadow of the red mancs, so I can't really begrudge their lottery win right now. I don't particularly care for them, though I do like Balotelli and I don't mind him doing well. So it's indifference with the odd cheer for Mario and the 6-1.
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