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Everything posted by Mudface

  1. The point is more whether the track and trace system will be able to work. No idea what percentage of those cases will be symptomatic, but just on the daily data, we're looking at 7-8K per week new infection. Could track and trace cope with that number and get their contacts isolated?
  2. I remember seeing that for the first time and thinking, 'God, he looks a bit rough these days'. He was dead a few days later.
  3. Sounds a bit similar to that bullshit that was doing the rounds when this first started, supposedly written by a 'nurse from Birmingham'.
  4. Well, this is a surprise- https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2020/jun/05/wellness-advocates-used-to-talk-about-bali-trips-and-coconut-oilnow-its-bill-gates-and-5g Who would have thought that one bunch of credulous believers in pseudo-scientific woo would be so compatible with another bunch keen to promote pseudo-scientific conspiracy theories.
  5. They say there are between 26- 55K new infections per week, with an average of 39K. It might have plummeted, but it's still damn high. https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/healthandsocialcare/conditionsanddiseases/bulletins/coronaviruscovid19infectionsurveypilot/5june2020
  6. Haha, I read that as an actual article until the last sentence, then realised it was from the Onion. Poe's Law in action.
  7. I love Jim Jefferies' comparison of US vs Australian airport security.
  8. Christ, so that's what happened to Bon? That dog looks suss as well, didn't even bother to cover his eyes, obviously thinks he's safe.
  9. I'm not sure the two things go together, wasn't their statement in response to the UK police reporting that they had this lead, not what the German police said? Besides which, everything will be filtered through spokespeople even before the press get to report it, so it'd hardly be representative of how they're feeling right now. Don't get me wrong, they're cold fish, and some of their previous behaviour has been downright odd, but who knows how people react in this situation.
  10. Sad to see him do things like that. Good that he's doing them for Villa, though.
  11. Busted. Of course female scientists were involved in making the virus. That's probably why it doesn't work properly. *runs*
  12. Ah, they're a great bunch of lads.
  13. So the Chinese couldn't even create a proper virus, the useless cunts.
  14. First picture of Christian Brueckner, from the Metro- https://metro.co.uk/2020/06/04/first-picture-christian-brueckner-madeline-mccann-suspect-12804492/ I can't put my finger on exactly why, but he looks really suspicious to me, dead eyed too.
  15. At least we might find out if immunity does last a fair while.
  16. Hopefully ate his way through a packet of custard creams while he was waiting.
  17. Have you found anywhere better?
  18. Obama last night- Powerful words, and I hope the bolded will be a good defence when I'm in court.
  19. Looks like a particularly weird scene from Eraserhead.
  20. He writes a decent column for the Guardian- aside from the clickbait headlines, which I assume aren't done by him anyway. I don't particularly mind him, but it's more in a, 'he isn't as much of a cunt as I thought' way.
  21. Picture this, I'm a bag of dicks, put me to your lips.
  22. I was just reading that, absolutely bizarre.
  23. They're top ten for deaths per capita, top 5 if we pull out Andorra and San Marino as outliers due to their small populations- By comparison, Denmark is 26th with 100 deaths/ million, Finland 37th and Norway 47th with under 50. Sweden's daily infection and death rates are regularly about 10-20 times higher than in Denmark at the moment, with no real reduction in infections at all. The factors previously discussed on here, like strong sense of civic duty and a relatively low density population without widespread communal family groups appear to have kept them from a complete disaster, but I dread to think what would have happened in other countries if they'd done the same. https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries
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