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Everything posted by SammyAftershave

  1. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-46738797 This guy used to have a bar in Canoga Park, L.A. called 'The Old Scotland Yard'. Nothing fancy about it, in fact it never had as much as a window and more resembled an underground bunker. You had no idea when in there whether it was light or day outside and the mostly ex-pat clientele equally unfussy. Few dodgy Scouser's, Paddy's and Jocks in there with 'new' identities. It wasn't too unlike 'The Clansman' in Still Game. Had a few good tunes under his belt and had his gold discs in frames up on the wall behind the bar. Had a couple of chats with him across the bar. RIP lid.
  2. He'll have his beady eye on you Sailor.
  3. When we were kids my Da ruled the kitchen/galley (a former ship's cook in his younger days) he would get home from the dock's and often make a pie of fried off sausages placed in a large oval pyrex pie dish covered by tinned beans and, in turn, covered in a thick layer of corned beef hash with grated cheese spread on the top and put in the oven while he enjoyed the benefits of a can of Double Diamond (or similar) while reading the Echo and listening to the news on Radio Merseyside at appx 234758,000000000 decibels. Us kids loved it.
  4. I think adding chips to your fry-up is probably one of those bizarre Freemason rituals like rolling up one trouser leg or exposing a nipple. Totally anti-social and wrong'un behavior however you look at it. No wonder the cunts meet in secret.
  5. They're every bit as good, and as roomy, as the Philharmonic Hall.
  6. Sweet Caroline should only ever be sung from within the confines of Mook's arse.
  7. Don't forget the moral high ground and the purple Liverbird building..............and the cuckoo clock. We simply can't offer that.
  8. Bummer! One of my childhood heroes. RIP Thommo.
  9. Having spoken to both Darryl Hall and John Oates I'm pleased to inform you interested board members that each of them have reliably informed me 'I could go for That'.
  10. You might find an unsparing application of a good quality lube to your bumhole first makes things more manageable.
  11. Pellegrini and his assistant look like they feast on the blood of virgins. They'll do well to find one in Southampton.
  12. Who could forget this splendid effort from the keepers of the non-diving flame:
  13. Amen to that. All the WWE build up bullshit, fireworks, ring walks, rapping, national anthems, booing of said national anthems, moronic footy-like chants/drones, Sweet Fuckin Caroline and the absolute fuckin thundercunts doing that bastard 'wooing' in the audience can shove all that up Mooks arse and set fire to it. Just get the boxers in there Tyson-style, no muss, no fuss and let them get on with it. Not in the slightest bit interested in any of that contrived marketing bullshit. It only serves to bring out the worst of the wankers in the crowd.
  14. It really doesn't do him any favours does it? I wonder who the fuck is advising him, Larry Nassar?
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