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Paul Don

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Everything posted by Paul Don

  1. Agree with that, think he also did the 'Liverpool in Europe' video that came out when we returned to Europe in 1991. That was when he wasn't a senile old fool though and was reading from a script. Brian Moore was the best commentator, IMO. 'It's going to be Barnes................curled, brilliantly!'
  2. Better, but still not worthy of a chuckle. Continuing the trend for low quality jokes. - What do you call a Spanish football player with no legs? - Gracias Anyone care to top that?
  3. Very good response to a, hmm, misguided article.
  4. I'd love to rush to her aid with a big bucket of water which actually has petrol in it. To see the look of hope on her face dashed when she realises that her hopes have been, erm, extinguished.
  5. Agree with that. Was a knob at times but less so than Motson et al.
  6. 'And it's fucking PIRLO not mother fucking PEARL-OW you twat.' Must say that one pissed me off too. You just knew he would use the 'It's a Pearler from Pirlo' after hearing that.
  7. Fair play to the Aussies, sounded like an entertaining game. I reckon all the bluenoses will be giving it loads now with their 'Cahill better than Gerrard' bullshit.
  8. Take a sickie. My mate developed 'back pain' on Friday, about 2pm. He has now been signed off by the doctor for 2 weeks so will be watching all the group games on the couch at home. Twat.
  9. I would allow her to suck my cock, for sure.
  10. Good call. I have seen this dozens of times and everytime I wince.
  11. I must add though, I'm not ginger, not portly and only the slightly receding hairline is of concern to me but I'm comfortable with that. Oh yeah, just remembered, I've had Grant and Phil Mitchell before now. Grant I'm quite happy with, the ladies love a bit of Grant, Phil I am not pleased about as he is just a fat baldy twat, which I am not.
  12. Sighs (as about to lose any chance of ever having 'credibility' on this forum)...... I have been likened to Brad Friedel and, wait for it.......... George Garfield from 'The Bill'
  13. Your mother was a hamster and your father smells of elderberries! Disclaimer:- if your parents are dead I am very very sorry.
  14. Sobering reading this thread. As Paul says though for every bad kid there are many others who try hard, are courteous to their elders and know where the boundaries lie. It is unfortunate that most people have preconceptions that all kids are inherently bad.
  15. An Argentinian mate of mine who I used to play Sunday League with is currently going for his UEFA 'B' Licence. He says its hard as fuck! BTW, he also played under Scolari (at Gremio, Brazil I think) and is friendly with Gabriel Paletta's family and has written to LFC asking if he could act as a chaperone for him when he first comes over. He was a fucking good player (til some fuckstick from Bootle thought it'd be funny to try and sever his leg at the knee). Shame, used to be a pleasure to play with him.
  16. If you've got an hour and a half to kill it's worth watching this video on Google. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-8260059923762628848&q=9%2F11+conspiracy Goes over familiar ground but still pretty decent.
  17. Boro may have reached their peak last season and the fact that they failed on the big stage could be curtains for them. No Euro campaign this time to excuse a turgid domestic season. I hope they go down too. Been up there 3 times and seen us lose on all 3 occasions, whilst being patronised by their robo-stewards and subjected to fucking pig bag.
  18. Battle Royale anyone? Would make great reality TV.
  19. Mainly car flags down my street. Thankfully no houses decked with flags and cunting bunting. Yet...... My parents' street is a different matter. Just like at Christmas there are a few families who are trying to outdo each other with their OTT-ness.
  20. That is a truly hilarious mental image. Bob Carolgees roundhousing the baddies with Spit the Dog provding the cutting remarks.
  21. http://icliverpool.icnetwork.co.uk/0100news/0100regionalnews/tm_objectid=17182631%26method=full%26siteid=50061%26page=1%26headline=should%2deverton%2dfc%2dmove%2dout%2dto%2dkirkby%2d-name_page.html
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