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Everything posted by bonzo

  1. I'm a big crime fan, don't like them too grim though. Highly recommend Carl Hiaasen (comedy thrillers set in Florida, Skinny Dip particularly good) and Elmore Leonard (all time master of thriller writing). In SF, have you read the classic Rendezvous with Rama by Arthur C. Clarke? The actual writing is clunky but the depiction of the awesome weirdness of an interaction with an alien intelligence is fantastic. I read the Master and Commander series by Patrick O'Brien last year after seeing the film, very entertaining naval adventures in the Napoleonic Wars. Haven't a clue what's going on in the actual naval battles though, it's way too technical. Second the recommendation for Flashman as well
  2. I got a recorded version of The Climb on CD, I was listening to the end of it cycling on my own in the Wicklow Mountains* in winter a couple of years ago. The book was all first person narration of Boukreev's story, and just after the narrator who was 'playing' him got to the end, as night was falling and the rain was coming in, there was a pause and then some other guy came on and said that Boukreev had died in a climb just after the book was finished. Then there was silence, just cold wind and rain whipping around me. Jesus fucking Christ that was one of the most eerie moments of my whole life *ok they're hills. but proper bleak ones, bit like the Pennines
  3. I like this thread title, it's got that ambiguity thing going on - - Here are some pictures of steak (if you're a vegetarian, I hope they don't offend you) - Here are some pictures of steak, no, my mistake, they're chargrilled vegetarians - Gaze on the MIGHTY STEAK, you sorry vegetarians mmmmm mighty steak
  4. Agree - I reckon there's no single pork product that can beat a thick marbled well hung slab of top quality ribeye steak, but overall how can a cow compete with the amazing pig?
  5. I have to go for the tapir - there's the size thing, the Rafa connection and these impressive facts: # They are related to horses and rhinoceroses. # They make squeaking and chirping noises. # They swim very well and love water. # They have not changed much in 20 million years. # A tapir can move its nose in all directions, smelling. # It has 4 toes on each front foot, 3 on each back foot. # A tapir can out-maneuver a dog. # They can climb over steep hills, logs and fences. # They can crash thorough the jungle like a tank. # They bulldoze tunnels in jungle undergrowth. # Tapirs have very tough skin, like hard leather. I'd like to see that star nosed mole try to out-manoeuvre a dog or crash through the jungle like a tank. Tapirs - undefeated in 20 million years, rock hard skin, related to rhinos - there can only be one winner ¡Tapirs campeones! ¡Star nosed moles maricones!
  6. Mrs Bonzo lived in France for two years, they... converted her. She'll put her chips on a plate and drown them in Hellmans.
  7. Oh shit not the mayonnaise and chips question :no It's salt and vinegar all the way for me. Unless I'm in Belgium* *doesn't happen very often
  8. Miserable fools! A true lurker would never be trapped into posting by the simple lure of a lurker's posting amnesty thread! Ha ha ha haaaaa! oh bollocks
  9. We started it well and finished it well but there were far too many long balls in the middle of the half. It negates our skill advantage when we're just playing head tennis.We're good for another couple of goals against these. Also, MOMOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. I have nothing more to add, I've just been hypnotised by your avatar for the last 5 minutes. Come to think of it, the whole premise of He-Man was about a guy who feels good when he pulls out his big sword in public.
  11. Audacity is free and works well for me anyway, I know a few other musicians who use it as well.
  12. That cracked me up. I plan to use that phrase as often as possible.
  13. Interesting interview with Tom Hicks in the Guardian, worth a read even though the journo tries to spin it as negative as he can. No recognition of the difference between the owners taking on debt (LFC) and the club taking on debt (scum).
  14. I reckon he's nailed on to come on from the bench - Rafa as good as said so to the Echo (though of course there are possibilities): Article
  15. From the Echo article Agree with Monkeywool, looks to me like the council are ready to do some horse trading here - give them some cash for the railway and they'll approve the increased stadium capacity. Winner all round if it happens.
  16. I fucking loved Serenity. After I saw it I went out and bought the DVD of Firefly, the TV series it follows on from, and I fucking loved that too. Mal: "Well, look at this! Appears we got here just in the nick of time. Whaddya suppose that makes us?" Zoe: "Big damn heroes, sir." Mal: "Ain't we just!"
  17. Sums it up for me. Flame grilled fucking rules.
  18. "To live at all is miracle enough" - written on the gravestone of Mervyn Peake
  19. Great stuff. If only you could get the Black Japan version, RiS would be all over it...
  20. bonzo


    Enjoyed Arrested Development, Gob and the obviously gay brother in law are very funny. That 70's show is good as well. I'm a fan of My Name is Earl - a bit patchy but sometimes excellent. Randy - the sailboat guy from Mallrats - is brilliant.
  21. Mexico. The food - enchiladas with salsa verde is awesome. And the Aztecs - winners of the international Most Bloodthirsty Native Culture award 190 years running from 1329-1519, and also owners of the world's only floating capital city. And the Mayans - the only culture ever to have a jungle temple featured in a Star Wars movie. And Diego Rivera. And Subcomandante Marcos. And having an eagle holding a motherfucking *snake* on their motherfucking *flag*. And those football shirts with the scary Aztec god on the front. And still being around after getting half their country stolen off them by the Yanks in 1848. Scotland. The only country Ireland ever successfully invaded.
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