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Creator Supreme

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Everything posted by Creator Supreme

  1. The residents of the Falklands will be shitting themselves.
  2. Just watched that again, brilliant, I'm dying. I just love the way Ritchie starts falling and Eddie just steps out the way.
  3. Recruiting in Greater Manchester then?
  4. Might be worth taking notes, could be living this soon.
  5. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c3gqw1d37l4o Arseholes (Google, not the protesters).
  6. She genuinely looks like she's out on day release!
  7. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cqqndqndpq5o Disgusting! $56bn, fucking ridiculous, how can it be justified? Sooner he fucks off to Mars the better.
  8. Shouldn't the thread title be Grammar Pendants of the Werld Untie?
  9. Snu's. There was a scandal about footballers using them a while back.
  10. Sorry if it makes me a Tory, but I agree with phasing out tobacco. If you use tobacco as its meant to be used it will cause serious health issues. If you use alcohol as its meant to be used (I.e. in moderation) it is much less likely to cause serious health issues. Addiction is a whole other discussion.
  11. Goggins was in the 3rd maze runner film similar make up to the Ghoul actually, he had no nose in that either. He was quite shadowy in that but essentially a good guy. He was also in an episode of the big bang theory, and he played guy who was meant to be tough, but was actually quite a sympathetic geezer. I think he's just a good actor.
  12. I'm trying not to post on the FF, but I had to post that Naby Keita is one of the biggest wastes of skin to ever set foot in Liverpool.
  13. She's going to end up being a Tory isn't she, and then I'll have to despise her. Shame.
  14. Hands off Stig, she's mine.
  15. Toothless must be from 'How To Train Your Dragon'. Dunno about Boggs though.
  16. Sympathies with your mam mate, the DWP are disgraceful shits.
  17. I'd take those heartless bastards who've done that to her to the cleaners. Bastards. And to think some wankers said that the events in I, Daniel Blake were nothing like real life.
  18. I would not shed a single tear if Mandelson and Akehurst underwent extraordinary rendition to Venus.
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