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Gnasher last won the day on February 16 2023

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    Human rights, Greenpeace, Cardiff Stop the war https://x.com/CardiffStW?t=EC7EMDDA3SvtyVdmuN8h9w&s=09 Justice for Aberfan. https://m.imdb.com/title/tt6183908/

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  1. As mentioned in the Israeli thread here's Labours foreign secretary David Lammy making an absolute cunt of himself, the Labour Party. Oh dear.
  2. I understand what he's saying, you're always going to have that element who's veiws are so entrenched they won't budge on anything but I think events such as the pandemic, added to the state of our public services have made enough people understand the country needs to go in a different direction. Especially the younger voters. The country is crying out for investment for a start.
  3. We might laugh at Trump and the yanks but the camera never lies. Face-lift USA Face-lift UK
  4. Again.. how many more times? The Tories didn't get rid of Johnson because they found a moral compass. Why do keep trying to pass this bullshit? It's fucking odd. https://pa.media/blogs/fact-check/tories-were-12-points-behind-labour-in-the-polls-when-boris-johnson-stood-down/ Awaits a Sopranos meme.
  5. And here come the Israeli shills...
  6. No you're not being stupid but the landscape has changed a lot since the last election. Johnson has been discredited, Brexit has failed, the pandemic showed the value of public services and key workers, the hypocrisy between Britain and the West's reaction to the Ukrainian, Palestinian people who are suffering. Polls show even tory voters want change, they want a fairer tax system, more social justice and a country where the rivers and lakes are not full of shit due to Thatcher privatisation and they want good public services. They want a levelling up between the North/South, old/young, rich and poor. They nearly all agree the Tory mantra of Austerity has failed, its failed them, its failed their families and its failed their communities. Its obvious the Tory way has failed, its failed badly. People are not asking for miracles, they just want a centre left government that's on the people's side. If Labour panders to the likes of the people they have been pandering to (these failed Tory clowns) to imo it could unravel pretty soon. Then things could become dangerous. It's where right wing populism breeds and takes hold.
  7. I didn’t say she was. Shes in the Labour Party, same as the tory before her. Another far right loon from the Israeli lobby welcomed into the Torylight Party.
  8. Its taken two years and a countless tirade of evidence, two years of lambasting by Slipper & Co for anyone who dared question the trajectory of travel taken by this "changed" Labour Party. A lurch to the right that has been plain for all to see, told by Labour for all to hear, Now the penny is starting to drop for Slipper. Well done.
  9. What makes you think I or someone down with a mental illness would want to come into your world and listen to your shit conversation you jumped up cink? You think they're going to choose to listen to the shit about kissing sharks or photos showing the fob of a Bentley? You're a jerk, I'd rather speak to the people outside the window than listen to a word of your self entitled bullshit. You're just a no mark little cunt and so are those who choose to "listen to you"
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