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Mr Nando

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Everything posted by Mr Nando

  1. Wow, getting sacked mid season, after only winning 6 out of 23 games is classed as a good season. Holy fucking shit. You learn something new every day. Re: Watford. A mate who used to be a season ticket holder, laughed his fucking arse off when Rodgers was unveiled as Liverpool manager. When Rodgers took over they were only 5 points away from the club in 13th (where they finished). So over a 30 game period he managed to gain 5 points. Woopdi fucking do! He also finished with a minus goal difference, just like at Reading.
  2. I voted for UKIP, I'd like to think I'm better informed then a lot of people. Not a knuckle dragger and I'm in my late 20s. Why did I? Well all the three main parties just sound so similar and polished. When Farage speaks he talks sense and answers question, instead of speaking and saying nothing. Secondly I dont want open door migration with the EU, our current policy would be like the US having open bonders with Mexico.... I'd think that anybody who cares about the poorest would want the same thing, as unskilled immigration depresses wages by 10-15% https://ideas.repec.org/p/crm/wpaper/0803.html The racist card gets played far too easily these days. What is so wrong with not wanting open/free immigration with Europe? I really dont know if people would vote the same if the system changed, maybe more would vote UKIP, Green, Lib Dem if they knew their vote wouldn't be wasted? As long as UKIP can help highlight issues in the electoral system and Europe, i'd be fine with them fading. But they are now the third biggest party (by popular vote), I really dont see them folding like the BNP.
  3. You do realise that the inequality between rich and poor continued to grow under the last Labor government don't you? The rate was just a little slower. Capitalism and 'democracy' (because a system where Ukip can get double the popular vote of the SNP, but gets 53 seats less, really isnt a fair or true democracy) are the twin pillars of modern oppression. Both purely exist to serve the wealthy and make them wealthier. Sociologists will look back in a couple of centuries and see hardly any differences between Victorian factory workers and modern day wage slaves, only difference is that the wealthy have managed to delude and distract everyone a lot better: Every vote counts! Work hard and you'll be a success! (give me a break) Ps recent studies have shown that in a decade or so we WILL be at Victorian levels of inequality, but fuck it, nobody seems to care, as long as they have the latest phone or fashion its all ok!
  4. Are you saying that there can never be a jewish nazis? How is calling a jew a nazis equal to being a holocaust denier? You know who suffered a heck of a lot more under the Nazis than the Jews? Soviet Russia did and yet they have fairly substantial amounts of Neo Nazis who openly adore Adolf Hitler. The first prisoners gassed at Auschwitz were Soviet P.O.W's. 1.5 - 3 million soviet P.O.W's were killed in labour, extermination and prisoner camps through out the war and Soviet total dead 13.8 million Hitlers holocaust against the slavs/russians/Ukrainians etc was on a far grander scale and had lot more potential victims in creating the Lebensraum that the Germans wanted to create. So if a people who suffered more than Jews can adore Hitler, why do you find it incomprehensible that a jew could be a Nazis or that one could be compared to a Nazis? Its funny that you should call people stupid for calling Jews Nazis and yet a professor and son of holocaust survivors (parents were in the warsaw ghetto uprising) has done exactly that on numerous occasions. I know this is going to be unpopular as people really dont like hearing the truth, but there can and will be no peace in the middle east until one of the sides has been resettled or virtually exterminated. Too much hatred and blood shed. How anyone at the UN believed that creating a brand new state on some of the most scared land to Christians, Jews & Muslims, and that said land had been under Muslim control for nigh on 1,300 years (with some time taken out for the crusaders) was a good fucking idea, I will never know. The UN should of gone with an old Nazis plan of settling the Jews on Madagascar. Even though Nazis reports suggested the island could only support around 6,000 families and yet the population today stands at 22 million, 3x more than Israels' current population. Two of the greatest fuck ups in modern international history happened directly after WW2. F.D.R and then Truman thinking that they could handle Stalin and not going along with Churchills plan to attack Soviet Russia once Germany had surrendered. Leads to the formation of the eastern bloc, cuban missile crisis, korean war, vietnam being such a shit fest, angola and all the other cold war conflicts and most importantly of all in todays current climate, the formation of al-Qaeda. The formation of Israel in Palestine.
  5. Positives of Islam? Well they used to be a leading light of education, culture and tolerance in the world. But now the majority of countries (not all) that have a majority Muslim population are either complete and utter shit holes and/or have a terrible track record of human rights violations. Look down a list and think to yourself, would you want to live there? S. Sudan, Morocco, Afghanistan, Chad, Iraq, Jordan, Niger, Comoros, Somalia, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan and Albania. Oh you have the odd exception when it comes to stats like GDP. For example Qatar (uses slave labour) and Brunei/Kuwait (vast natural resources/relatively small population). I think a better question would of been... What happened to Islam? From creating Algebra and laying down the basics of the scientific method and the great empries of Khwarezm and Abbasid to modern day Somalia, Iraq, Afghanistan (blah blah blah Gulf war/afghan war, countries were messed up before the wars, just not as messed up). It is just sad to know what Islam once was, seeing that it has regressed so much and now the entire religion is being tainted by a small percentage of extremists. Also to people saying that all religions have extremists, yes, yes they do. But just take a look at the sheer quantity of terror attacks in 2014 and see that the vast, vast majority (well basically all) have been perpetrated by Muslims. Now this could be understandable if the vast, vast majority of people on the plant were Muslim..... but they aren't. 5 terror attacks occurred in the Western World (excluding Israel and America) in 2014 and of that number only 1 wasn't a Muslim attack, Northern Ireland. But its because of the West that all these terror attacks have occurred, I hear you say. Bah I say, Bah! Again the vast, vast majority of the terror attacks are Muslim upon Muslim. Cases that we hardly ever get to hear or read about. Also saying that Anders Behring Breivik was a Christian terrorist is absurd. He was a right wing nutjob who hated immigrants If you have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and God then you are a religious Christian. Myself and many more like me do not necessarily have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and God. We do however believe in Christianity as a cultural, social, identity and moral platform. This makes us Christian...You don’t need to have a personal relationship with God or Jesus to fight for our Christian cultural heritage. It is enough that you are a Christian-agnostic or a Christian-atheist (an atheist who wants to preserve at least the basics of the European Christian cultural legacy "I'm not going to pretend I'm a very religious person as that would be a lie. I've always been very pragmatic and influenced by my secular surroundings and environment," "Religion is a crutch for many weak people and many embrace religion for self serving reasons as a source for drawing mental strength" Holy shit! That man sounds like a Christian extremist/fundamentalist! Also when people speak of 'Christian terrorism' it is almost never International (eg. US citizens blowing up US citizens) and usually politically inspired. This is in very stark contrast to jihad/religious war. Oh they have also given us Wahhabism. THANKS ISLAM
  6. If he signed today, could he play on Monday?
  7. Looks like we have forgotten how to pass a football. Gerrard off for Can please
  8. Lovren is so fucking composed, its a real joy to watch.
  9. Technically speaking ebay should side with the seller, as no seller (especially a private seller, like I assume the OP is) is obligated to combine purchase (unless stated in the listing), although a lot of sellers do. Your buyer doesn't have a leg to stand on. But they will probably end up negging you and giving you the associated defects. Which wont be removable because it is just a buyers opinion. Block the cunt as well so that he cant wreck your account further Now when you want to talk about cuntish behaviour, a seller on the powerseller forum posted a lovely story (this is the abridged version) of a buyer who had decided to claim Item Not Received for a set of three prints, the seller got suspicious, looked on their facebook and the twat was redecorating and had posted pictures of his new living room with the very prints he had reported as missing, seller got through to buyers other half who apologised profusely and they closed the case. The seller was still left with a defect on his account as the mere action of opening a case (whether the buyer means to or not) damages the sellers account and all the communication was done over the phone, so no evidence. So lessons for being a cuntish buyer on ebay, look for items that are being sold without tracking, wait for a few days until after the delivery date, send an EMAIL to the seller not an ebay message(business sellers obliged to have an email address posted) and say that you haven't received the item and would like a refund or threaten to open a case. (It's amazing how I have had zero item not received claims since starting to send my items tracked, all those previous buyers must of been soooooooo unlucky and over the past year I've been sooooooooo lucky not to have sold any of my items to those really unlucky buyers.) Will work a lot better in the near future for items that are sent through the letter box, due to ebay bringing in managed returns. Yeah thanks ebay ill send this item out for 73p but the return will be sent back via parcel 2 go at 3.99. There answer to concerns over small and cheap items; we will include details on the listing that if there is a problem the customer doesn't have to return the item............ NOT OPEN TO ABUSE AT ALL And with managed returns the only way a customer pays for the return is if they admit that they made the mistake in purchasing. Thanks to my experience on ebay i'm pretty confident hardly any buyer will. Why admit to a mistake that will cost them money?
  10. http://proxybay.info/ also if you use google chrome, get the zenmate app, you should then be able to access primwire.ag, free-tv-video-online etc.
  11. Absurd decision. I simply don't understand why, in such moments of controversy and long decision making, there isn't simply an official watching the television replays.
  12. Ramble/rant Really wish the West would stop all the meddling in middle eastern/Islamic countries. You would think that the recent past of Iraq and Afghanistan shows the futility of getting involved. Unless Governments really believe the bullshit they spout about victory and democracy. And just like in Libya where we got rid of a secular ruler and now have a destabilised mess with al qadea elements in the government we are now pushing to get rid of another secular ruler which will no doubt become an Islamic Religious State and guess what the rebels have.... links to al qadea... again. Now is it just me or wasn't the war on terror mainly focused against al qadea but now in two successive states we have introduced them into positions of power, be it civil or military. Not mention the state that Egypt is is now, another ruler we helped to shove out and Eqypt's been going so well since then. And waaaaaaaa the Syrians used gas (or it was the rebs, believe the US or Russia? personally believe both sides have used them, and have ofcourse shoot prisoners captured in uniform) Waaaaaaa the Syrians used cluster bombs (and didnt we drop cluster bombs in Libya, I really really hate the fucking media) I know that if there was a rebellion in this country, I know i'd want the side I supported to use all the tools at their disposal to win and wouldn't be very fucking happy with some nosy cunts poking their nose into our business. And does anyone really fucking think that America would have any qualms about using cluster bombs/ land mines /nuclear/chemical or biological agents if their country was in trouble. Would. It. Fuck And personally I don't see anything wrong with it. I just hate the hypocrisy. I mean fuck at least Russia has a reason for going into Chechnya and Georgia, former members of the USSR and on/or near to the border. What the fuck reason do we and America have to do anything about Syria? I mean there is genocide going on/gearing up or massive abuses of human rights on in countless states around the world, but fuck them lets get rid of Assad. Why don't we get involved in Darfur, Burma, Central African Republic, Democratic Republic of Congo or Somalia etc etc Before people say for Human Rights, to stop the killing and to introduce democracy. Where in the last 20 years has a western intervention in a Islamic state actually gone well? From WMD to stop the gassing of Iraqi civilians we created a situation where far people got killed then Saddam ever did or probably ever would. As will doing anything in Syria, even just economic sanctions will cause more pain and suffering for the ordinary person in Syria then if we would just do nothing and just let the Russians supply Assad to crush the rebels. And did it surprise anyone when the French said they were in favour of action? I wonder why that would be then, oh thats right Syria was a former colony of the French.
  13. He's got the experience of playing there. Wisdom is bound to make a couple of mistakes, which is understandable, but would prefer a safer pair of hands, let Wisdom play at home against shite not away too Swansea. But then again Toure might not be 100% fit.
  14. Just say to the Spanish, we will give you back Gibraltar if you give the enclaves on the North African coast to Morocco. Hypocritical cunts. Job done.
  15. I'm just wondering how can you can say Joffrey has the most legitimate claim when he has the least legitimate claim? Being a child of incest and all and thus no possible relation to Robert? Unless you are talking about one of those wild theories that Jamie and Cersei are the spawn of Aerys raping Joanna... Now if the question was, who has the most backing? or who looks most likely to win? Then it still wouldn't be Joffrey as Danny has Dragons.... Biggest gripe from new episode: You cut Vargo Hoat and the Brave Companions! Now we wont get the classic "You thlew my bear!" sigh
  16. Yes there is. He is a cunt and he deserves cuntish things to happen to him, for him being a complete and utter cunt.
  17. Draw or Sunderland win. Just cant see us getting sod all from the game. We have no impetuous when we attack.
  18. Because we nearly always raise our game against the big boys and always have trouble with the mid table chaff (the likes of us) or lower. We have 3 'strikers' - none of whom like to score. How the fuck can you not understand? Also we had a pathetic display against Hearts since we played city. (see first line)
  19. Exactly. Hopefully we wont over spend on the cunt just like Downing. Just like Downing, Clint will be fucking shit for us. Will end up with another ageing no mark player, just like Downing. Dempsey is this seasons Downing.
  20. We don't like scoring. But I like the look of Morgan. Also I have to say I fucking hate Downing and never wanted him here, but so far been pretty decent... but it is Hearts.... Would like to see him vs better sides.
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