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a stoner

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Everything posted by a stoner

  1. Spit = wife Swallow = girlfriend Gargle = show off.
  2. Another century. He is still a poting god.
  3. Yes how dare anyone have a view that Benitez was anything but perfect.
  4. Only 1 frame in but it does look like Ronnie has settled quickly and is enjoying playing. Hope this is just another "Ronnie retiiring story"
  5. I didn't say I want Kenny gone and I want this or that. All I want is the players laying in our shirt to look like they want to be here and play with some passion. We keep hearing how we will learn from this and from that but nothing changes. Same lazy performances, same too little too late games we either lose or draw and far too many excuses from too many people. I can't see FSG standing for the end of their first full season in ownership finishing lower than before they took over the club and I'm sure they will have some sort of contigency plan for the events that have taken us to where we are. To all those calling, no, screaming for Benitez to be given a second chance he only won 4 peices of silverware during his tenure all in the first 2 years. Other than nearly winning the CL a second time and nearly winning the premiership it wasn't that spectacular. I don't have an answer to any of this and I didn't ask who should be the next manager, I asked who would come here as a manager. That is an unaswerable question. I don't want quick fixes that end up running out of steam, I want a stable, reliable, passionate team that understands how we, the fans, love the club and they ,as players, love playing for us. Get that right and the wins will come.
  6. Great match from Ronnie. I can't see Carter winning this with Ronnie in this form and he looks like his mind is really on the job. Ronnie hasn't lost a final here either.
  7. If having KD back has taught us anything it should be that having a manager back doesn't work out quiet the way you expected it to.
  8. Today it dawned on me that we are at our lowest ebb. Yes we won silverware this year and yes we are going to have some form of euro football again next season, but, and it's a big but, with what team and which manager? We are consistantly fielding a team that doesn't give a flying fuck if they are playing in OUR red shirt or any other shirt. We have consistantly thrown away games we should have won and played so badly at times we have made relegation fodder wins they shouldn't have got. We are looking more and more likely to finish below the shites across the park, which is depressing in itself, and we deserve to be there too. Although KD has worked wonders for us in the past he just doesn't seem to be able to do it now but who would come here? We have been through some tough times and we all thought they might be behind us but it really doesn't look that way or that they will be in the forseeable future.
  9. monumental let down. Considering KD told us it was about silverware and then we play for 50 minutes like it doesn't fucking matter only bothering to turn up when it's too late to do anything about it. Will be an iteresting couple of months around here now.
  10. Pretty easy to sort out. 10 balls take your average, next club, 10 balls etc etc. It's a bitch when you change something and it's not the same drop on each club so you have to do it again but it's worth it. Remember warm days the ball goes further as the air is thinner. Best to do it on a day when it's about 17 or 18 degrees so you have your mid range then it's further on warmer days and shorter on colder days. It really is worth doing even if it takes a few days to get done but it will help your game no end.
  11. Really? You don't think there might be a terrible "accident" resulting in the total demolition of the power station. Grade 2 pile of rubble by the time they have finished.
  12. 275 slightly left = smooth swing, sweeping the ball away sweet as a nut. 250 sliced = giving it rock all and leaving the club head behind. I went through that and it started me on the road to having my hands too far forward and closing the club face to try as stop the slice. Go out on the range and drop your hands back behind the ball and swing nice and smooth through the ball. You'll surprise yourself.
  13. Spent 2 days looking at my swing on video and I've made a couple of major changes. Firstly I've strengthened my grip a bit but I thought I had dropped off a bit on that front. I've also and more importantly dropped me hands back behind the ball on long irons and woods allowing me to get the club head through the ball without my hands getting in the way. Slight fade now but alot better but has cost me about 10 yards.
  14. Quit smoking 8 weeks ago today and I've put on half a stone. Gutted.
  15. With all the historic records getting broken at the moment there is one ray of light. We have never won the cup after knocking the Blueshite out in the semi. Now we're fucked.
  16. Pay the cunt in silver bullets traveling faster than the speed of sound towards his fucking head. BTW how did Durango get the cuffs off this time?
  17. I would have him on nil by mouth from tonight and let him work his way through the whole fucking team. Less a bite more a grazing session.
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