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Everything posted by aladdinsane

  1. Besides that brief mistake against Boro, he's looked all round more composed this season. Long may it continue.
  2. It was a nice bit of sarcasm on your part, which you've carried on but nevermind. I'm not really arsed about the press to be honest, I just know that the football we've seen in the last few years has largely been dull as fuck and it would be hard watching us if we weren't all so obsessed with Liverpool. I don't expect us to play like the harlem globetrotter's but Rafa's safety first (and probably second and third) option is infuriating if we ever want to make a decent fist of trying to win the league.
  3. You can't honestly think we play attractive football though? Surely you're allowed to be critical of our style of play.
  4. People slagged off the owners (quite rightly) when they treated Rafa like shit but Benitez does the exact same to his players he doesn't want anymore. He acts unbelievably childish sometimes.
  5. If I was a neutral I'd fucking hate to watch Liverpool, we're unbelievably dull. Probably one of the most boring in the league.
  6. Or by playing in europe it reduces his transfer value, which was putting off other clubs off intially? I'm not suggesting Alonso would do that, just playing devil's advocate.
  7. I'm not agreeing with the owners per se but Benitez is extremely childish when he doesn't get his own way. i think he'd be happy to spend as much as he could without thinking of the consequences and whether a player is really worth that price as long as gets who he wants. Buying Barry for only 2 million less than Torres would be madness.
  8. Ibrahimovic Ashley Cole Alonso Walter Samuel Metzelder Rooney - he's still good but he's not the 'best player in der world like' that he was supposedly going to be the whole portuguese team except carvalho
  9. I'd like to believe it would affect his form but everyone thought the same after world cup 06 and it just made him better. He's an arrogant self assured cunt so this type of thing probably motivates him if anything.
  10. Sentiment aside, if he plays like he has for the majority of the last two years I'd actually be happy for him to join Arsenal. I love Alonso but he's been shite for quite a while now.
  11. Playing him in a Champions League Quarter Final wasn't giving him a chance? Le Tallec was always wanting out and admitted it was a mistake to ask for a move when he went to Sunderland I think it was . He brought a lot of it on himself.
  12. Yeah, I can still remember them goals by Houllier signing Luis Garcia that got us to the Champions League final to have a chance of winning it :ermm:
  13. He's still a twat for what he said the other year about us. I haven't been before, but is it just me who think's Carragher's place seems really tacky?
  14. Although I think he's a fairly average manager so far, I can understand Sunderland fans loving him when you consider where they were before he took over.
  15. I don't have any stats, but I remember watching him a few times in the Premiership and he was tidy and a few nice touches, and that's about it. Basically, no improvement on what we've got imo. Fowler and Carragher always made the England squad when fit, Capello was even asking for Carra back recently. International football isn't the be all and end all of course, but if he's been that amazing in Spain recently, it's a suprise he didn't get in the squad.
  16. As good as he apparently has been in Spain recently I can't forget that he was distinctly average in the Premiership, and he didn't make the Spain squad.
  17. Just shows how shite French football is at the moment.
  18. the new keeper really did look worrying, i know its only his second game but he looked shaky and unreliable like so many of our other recent reserve keepers. if niemmi really was available (and much cheaper) i just cant understand not getting him instead. degen wasnt particularly impressive and i think he'll stay a squad player at most. pachecho's touch and brain looked really sharp but i could imagine him not getting barely a touch in the premiership because he's not strong enough yet. babel was infuriating, i know its only a friendly and it sounds like nitpicking but i thought he was treating the game like a joke and just messing about.
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