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Everything posted by bigbak

  1. I thought it was quite good. I haven't read the comics so have no insight or expectations. Surely the bloke who's got Daryl's bike will kill Negan
  2. I'm not allowed to make any noise when the baby is asleep in case I wake him up. The TV is almost silent. The quietest burp is met with derision. She went for a "free" makeover yesterday and left me with the boy. He was asleep when she returned home looking identical to every other time she'd put on makeup. She slammed the front door and woke him up. After I'd got him back to sleep (20 seconds) I pointed out the door slamming. Swore blind she hadn't slammed the door. Brought up every time I'd made a small noise in the last 6 months without waking him up.
  3. I haven't been there for years, but I thought it was quite decent. I did live in Thetford at the time, so anywhere would seem good. It's easy to get lost on the grid system as it's a bit featureless, but also easy to recover as there are so many roundabouts. Commutable to London so easy to use a job here as a stepping stone.
  4. The King should know not to take the Christ out of Christmas.
  5. Get one of these http://www.tesco.com/direct/summer-infant-single-bedrail-pink/732-8452.prd?skuId=732-8452&pageLevel=sku&sc_cmp=ppc_sh-_-sh-_-tesco-_-732-8452&sc_cmp=ppc*sh*msh*bg*px_-_shopping_gsc_-_nursery_(new)*732-8452&gclid=CjwKEAjw19vABRCY2YmkpO2OzTsSJAAzEt8sFDcdC_bf1b1NZUixs3zADLuzF0by05LBO7LFepUeVRoCrlnw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds&source=others
  6. It's Fuck Off Did someone show you how to tick the box or did you manage it all on your own?
  7. Should have locked. If you're going to speak the Queen's English, at least do it properly. Alternatively. While you're England, speak English.
  8. Did you try grabbing her by the pussy?
  9. There's a website for that. She was wanting sex and needed an excuse to contact you.
  10. I watch it and came in expecting to find out what happened. It's impossible to avoid spoilers on this anyway. It's everywhere.
  11. I'm rubbish at parallel parking, but not that bad. She didn't need to open the door to see how far away she was.
  12. She really was dull.No idea how she managed to get through the process.
  13. While we were in Poland she had a keratin treatment to make her hair "permanently" straight. Apparently this saves her time in the morning as she doesn't have to straighten it. I got home last night and she'd spent the time curling it with tongs instead. Words fail me.
  14. They all end up podgy. Then spend months saying they'll go to the gym/do exercise/go swimming. They'll do 5 minutes from a video on youtube, then tuck into some biscuits as a reward. ad infinitum.
  15. You'll to buy insurance and the road tax before you can drive it anywhere legally. The dealer will give you a tear off portion of the V5. I drove a Yaris as a courtesy car once. I thought it was quite nice. Take someone with you who knows a little bit more about cars and get them to drive it as well.
  16. I watched it over the weekend with an open mind. It was bad. Good effects, but not much to laugh about and annoying characters. Especially the blonde egon.
  17. I had the same the night before I was taking her to her brother's to pick up her Dad and go to the airport. Apparently she had enough to think about with packing.
  18. Go through insurance. At some point he'll complain about the price. Piss you around for a while and not pay. Then you'll have to tell your insurers why you haven't reported it. You're meant to report all accidents regardless of fault and regardless of claim. When you apply for insurance in future, you'll have to own up to this accident. If not, your insurer could find out about the repair and not pay due to it being void. You're the one taking all the risks for very little gain.
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