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Everything posted by lfc4eva99

  1. I love him for ending keanos united career and that strike against juve :)
  2. IMO he deserves a new deal, he has laid the foundations for a bright future with the youth setups etc and the last thing we need is a new person coming in with different philosophies and changing everything around. No one in the present working scenario can do a better job here, not even mourinho.
  3. Back Benitez, pray to Jesus - make the lord send Kaka the message, then Sign Kaka.... and the title is ours ;)
  4. Lets hope Sky get Rafa for an interview after the game and not Alex Miller or someone else...
  5. No one knows whats exactly happening behind the scenes now and its stupid to speculate on what the arabs might have done, so why waste time over this?
  6. True. So, we now have to settle for it, easily the most important part of our future, and we have to settle for it. Its ridiculous.... Why show us the big beautiful picture in the first place?
  7. Money will be made if you succeed on the pitch, thats the only real way isnt it....
  8. Well, say if DIC come in and buy them off, wouldnt they be looking to finance the stadium the same way, thats what i remember read back when they were heavily linked with us. So maybe it wont help us in this situation....
  9. Yeah, thats correct. So, then we can safely say they follow Parry's methods of working... Wonder how they're other 'franchises' are doing back in the states....
  10. yeah, heard about them. So, whats the best option for us then, a reduced loan amount, which means changing the design to fit in the new budget. Which is exactly what we are doing.. so blaming the owners is not correct i suppose....
  11. So, and this may sound stupid, but if Lakshmi Mittal purchased us, our stadium wouldn't really be a problem? Why use American banks then, whats the situation like in Europe?
  12. So, that must have been done for the present design as well. Still, why do the extravagant designs if you know the costs will escalate and you may have trouble securing loans. Im not into the markets and credit and all that stuff, any idea where exactly have they gotten stuck in this whole getting the finances secured procedure?
  13. So, we dont lose that money, good. But, What are we building there, i dont think even the owners know.
  14. Whats to say that 400m whatever estimate will increase by the time they review the old design and modify and resubmit it. So much for so called stability at the club.
  15. Lol, honestly though, werent we going to lose some european comm money 9m or so if we didnt begin construction before some stipulated time? Delay after delay and not one brick has been laid yet. Crap.
  16. Thats immaterial now. IF our owners are as experienced as they were perceived to be, then shouldnt they have held preliminary talks about financing the stadium as the planning comm was looking at it. And shouldnt they have estimated a range of increase of cost. The Hammers are making a 60k seater in 250m by the looks of it, and we are all set to make the new Wembley.... fucking ridiculous. I dont know how fucking parry sleeps at night.
  17. Well, newcastle would pay the difference in the wages, like Leeds did for God.
  18. If England manage to reach the Final in South Africa, who would care if they do it playing total football, or getting ugly wins? No one. Capello ought to get Zola in his staff though, he needs someone who knows england and can speak italian, zola can teach the english forwards some linking up and finishing as well.....
  19. Brilliant stuff, wonder if any of those 200 reds had a camera to take a pic!!!!
  20. any chance theres some online link to these?
  21. Well maybe he was in there to help his friend set up stuff, wasn't eggie a part of the icelandic FA for a good while? He must have better knowledge about the administration etc which must have helped the transition for the new dude. We have Parry doing that, cant get shadier than Ronald can you?
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