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  1. Henry has already unfollowed Kenny on Twitter. The ruthless arl choker.
  2. I can't believe Strontium Dog is still alive, I thought he'd have died of shame by now, given the way his senior party members are behaving.
  3. I had to have it cryogenically frozen off by a doctor at the pox clinic.
  4. Tory cunts. Just like the other two major parties.
  5. Team. Reina, Johnson, Enrique, Agger, Gerrard, Henderson, Kuyt, Downing, Adam, Skrtel, Bellamy. Subs Carroll, Maxi, Coates, Carragher, Doni, Shelvey, Kelly.
  6. How the fuck this debate has stretched to 129 pages is beyond me. Here's two simple, irreducible truths. David Cameron is a twat-faced, duplicitous shit cunt. So is Nick Clegg. End debate.
  7. Does anybody know if Iron Maiden need a roadie?
  8. I can see little point in selling a player that cost £35 million for what, in all likelihood, would be less than half of that amount 12 months later.
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