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Everything posted by CharleyKnight

  1. I've said it before and I'll fuckin well say it again - You are Jimmy Bullard!!
  2. You proper love me! I did get back to you but you weren't willing to have a link on my webpage that takes you to a picture of me in a thong. Therefore I shall take my business elsewhere!!! All joking aside though, I will be in touch in the New Year and we'll make magic. The picture stays though!
  3. You have managed to mention everybody on here, APART FROM ME!!!
  4. Nice one mate. Hope you have a great New Year with your new addition to the familly!
  5. Charley Knight hasn't had 1 mention! Charley Knight is devoed. Don't none of you fat fuckers be emailing me in the new year for fitness tips when you've all put on 2 stone of sedentary fat over Christmas!!
  6. Bill Murray in Scrooged. Immense adaptation Home alone 1 and 2 Miracle on 34th Street
  7. Never a truer word spoken. Familly guy is brilliant! As is the Simpsons, tough choice to make so I'm abstaining from voting.
  8. Youse are all idiots. How is Familly Guy shit? Seriously?
  9. The look of initial surprise on his face is priceless!
  10. Well another year has passed us by. As we all spend a ridiculously unhealthy ammount of time on here I thought I'd post this thread to give credit to the folk on here who actually talk sense, make us laugh, provide useful information or just look good (i.e Me) So post who your favourite forumites have been this year and give a reason. So here we go: Dirk- Top guy, helped me a lot with getting into the swing of things at Uni. I learnt more of him in a few hours than I did in a whole semester of lectures. Spot on and has made me rethink my views on Ginger people (although I still believe them to be weak). Del Mucho - Cos I know him and his posts on here are as funny as he is. Michael Howard - Quips in now and again and more often than not talks sense. Sound geezer for a middle class fop! She Knows Shit - For saying she'll do me a web page and then me never hearing from her again!!!! Paul - There are a lt of fools on here who spout shit, He isn't one of them. Wiggy - Nice lad! Being as it's the season of goodwill, let's have one thread where noone gets ripped. As a talking bunny said on a cartoon "if you've got nothing nice to say, don't say nothing at all. You cunts".
  11. Glad I brought a bit of laughter to you this Yuletime. I'm just amazed by it. I mean, how the fuck can you get "Gay" from "blind"? It's fuckin immense! I buzz off the fellers response at the end. He sort of goes "Ok, moving on" as if to say you "stupid bitch!" The look of horror on the womans face is fucking priceless as well! hahaha!
  12. This is fuckin boss! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sVR1JunnuGE&feature=related
  13. Last year my Mam didn't know what to get me so she adopted me a penguin from the Falklands. I got a picture of him (his name is Rocket and he's a beast!) and a booklet on where he lives and that was it. There was promises of updates and all sorts but nothing. I feel cheated.
  14. Back in the day it would have been a hard one to call however the years haven't been kind to Scary, Posh, Sporty and the Ginger Cunt so it has to be Emma Bunton (saying I want to shag baby is wrong so let's go with Emma Bunton!) She looks as hot now as she did back in the day so yeh, lets go with her.
  15. Proper Greek olives are boss. A lot of whats in your local Sainsbury's is poo but fresh Kalamata Olives are the bee's knee's. Olive exportation is also the second biggest industry in Greece after tourism so game on.
  16. How dare you! Cast where an unbelievably underatted band. To call them an abomination wrong beyond belief!
  17. I'm not his biggest fan but there's no doubting in his division in the mid 90's, noone could touch him. He had an unorthodox style but it worked. His biggest mistake was under estimating Barrera and not training hard enough for it.
  18. It doesn't matter who he is he wasn't ready for the fight. He admitted after wards he wasn't conditioned and should have pulled out. The Amir Khan show is a fuckin joke. One day Warren will get some bollocks and put him in with a credible fighter and then we'll see just how good he is. And if we are throwing names about my mate trains out of Joe Calzages gym and the man himself has been capaigning to get Khan to fight him. Warren won't because he's happy getting him clowns to fight. Bum fights build up a young fighter's confidence and bring in big ticket receipts. A good fighter should fight any one who comes his way. Look at the glory days of British Boxing, Benn, Eubank, Collins, Watson, Hamed etc. They'd fight anyone and everyone. As soon as one fighter was beat, the next would step up. Not "let's put our man against a binman, get a KO within a minute then rest him up for his next fight next year."
  19. I have not read through the majority of posts here but let me make this clear. Amir Khan is NOT a good fighter. Let me explain how I know this. A mate of mine who boxes out of North Wales has fought Khan twice. The first time he beat him (KO in 3) the second time was qualification for the Olympics an he lost on points (which was a bad decision). mAnyhow to cut a long story short my mate has now turned pro with a record as amatuer of 49 fights with 4 defeats. He is being managed by Lennox Lewis' old manager and has been trying to get a bout with Khan for about 2 years now. Guess what? Khan's people WON'T fight him. They know if Khan comes up against any sort of credible opponent he will have his arse handed to him. Warren picks his fights for him thus ensuring big bucks. Saturdays fight was a fuckin disgrace to all fight fans. The other lad was well out of his depth and the fight shouldn't have happened.
  20. Fairytale of New York and you can't go wrong with a bit of Shaky! Isright!
  21. Although Charley Knight is blessed with the chisseled god like looks of a Greek adonis, he likes to spread the love to less fortunate beasts on this green earth. So yeh, I fuckin would like!
  22. Business banking is a fucking joke. I have 3 accounts. A current, savings and a business all with the Abbey. 3 weeks ago I checked my business statement and some cunt had spent £1700 in 7 seperate transactions in the space of 3 weeks - all unauthorised by me. They where all to the same company (John Lewis') and the uselss bellends at Abbey didn't even question it or ring me up! Needless to say I got the money back - 2 weeks later!
  23. I really do love her. She's fit and naughty as fuck. She's put a bit on recently though but I actually don't mind!
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