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Everything posted by Section_31

  1. Obama saying he should pack in now. Tiger, tiger, tiger uppercut.
  2. Has he spoken in public since it happened? Will be interesting to see what it does to him when the shock has died down. He's a narcissist and a germaphobe obsessed with illness and death, I doubt he'll have a road to Damascus and become a nice guy, but he might decide to fuck it all off - here's hoping.
  3. I just clicked on that and nothing happened, you SNEAKY motherfucker!
  4. Was talking more about how they handle Trump. "You called him a cunt four years ago?" "Erm"
  5. It's hard this business about dealing with the yanks, what do you say? "You've called him a nazi cunt (he is) do you stand by that given that your'e foreign secretary and he may be the next presdeint of the USA?" "What I meant was..."
  6. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/keir-starmer-eu-brexit-success-irish-reset-real-b2581870.html Keir Starmer has scored his first EU success after the French and the Irish hailed his plan for a reset in relations with Euope. The Irish prime minister described a reset between the two countries as “real” and “meaningful”.
  7. Always got a line on the big issues, Johnson’s was the most immoral and corrupt parliament in history and he was prattling on about chorley cakes.
  8. "The state is back." https://x.com/TheNewsAgents/status/1813861189895475358
  9. It has basically become a vehicle for has beens and bums to make money from mentalists. It literally is just that now. I'm pretty sure Musk is only behind it as some sort of Bond villain experiment to see how fucked up an algorythm can make the human mind. I am all for a civil war now in the west, genuinel, I don't see how else it can end unless we get rid of this social MRSA.
  10. Seems to be a lot of stuff coming our about him being a cunt. Can't tell if it's jealousy or he is, in fact, a cunt.
  11. I dunno what the lifespan of this 'movement' is. Maitliss was saying Vance was being cheered and Mitch McConnell was being booed. Trumpism has essentially replaced the Republican party completely now, but there's nobody home. She was saying in 2016 he was still very much an outsider at the convention but now it was - in her words - filled with cranks and weirdos.
  12. "have you heard of Liz Truss?" "No, what's that?"
  13. The Truss/Johnson stuff is genuinely alarming as it's going to actively feed into Vance's narrative about us having been 'taken over'. Starmer should take their passports off them Bagum style, the pair of weapons grade cunts.
  14. Pepperami Chicken and mushroom pot noodle
  15. The Atlas Shrugged mindset is that the wealthiest and most successful people in a society are the creators and the thinkers and the builders. But, in our culture, they're the shareholders, the property flippers and the moneyed, well-connected bottom feeders. This is the great lie of modern capitalism, the idea that hard work + ability = success. That's part of it, but a huge part is connections, killer instinct and being able to navigate the rapids of a society and economy where much of what we're taught to value in school turns out to be bollocks, and by the time we realise it it's too late and we're wrapped up in a blanket in a council bungalow sat in our own piss. The people who built the world around us are largely forgotten unless someone makes a film about them, they're certainly not playing craps in Monaco.
  16. He did but the dog didn't.
  17. Imagine being the editor waiting for his latest column. "I bought some plant pots from B&Q, I should have bought one more." "Sometimes the sun shines but it's still cold, I'm trying to find sense in that." "When I walk up the stairs I remember I'll have to walk down them again later. What do people in bungalows think about?" "When I was six I had my adenoids removed. I don't think I've missed them, but maybe I don't know any different."
  18. It's funny how quick stock falls in these supposed free market right wing types as soon as they've got no power. Same with Johnson and his audience of five. Nobody there is interested in ideas because they don't have any.
  19. Sue Gray ran a pub in Belfast during the troubles apparently. Think about it.
  20. Remember this gem? "Exclusive. Sue Gray on karaoke machine. "Before pandemic."
  21. Nobody is questioning the journalists Gnasher, I specifically said 'there may be something in it but I would look for other sources'. The idea that I have to explain that the British print media is considered biased is like having to explain many gays love Kylie Minogue. These are the things which always make me suspect you're taking the piss.
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