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Everything posted by JER

  1. The Lib Dems biggest chance at the next election would be to claim no power at all, and distance themselves from this shower. They did have power before in local politics - especially around where I live. They did a fantastic, cynical job in convincing gullable idiots around here (mainly with bearded jumper wearing fools from Muswell Hill) that they were more left wing than the Labour party and this resulted in Lynne Featherbrain being elected - possibly the stupidest MP of our generation. This area is littered with their councillors - all living on borrowed time until they get kicked out at the next election. They fucked up their position for a few ministerial cars, and Lords and voting reform. Good job they've still got that, eh?
  2. It will be a fairly half hearted campaign by Cameron in the no camp, that's for sure. They Tories only got 39.7% of the English vote in the last election. If Labour had a better leader then it wouldn't be clear cut that the Tories will win.
  3. A shill? That's a new one. I have to admit to being slightly non-plussed so I looked it up on Wikipedia. A shill, plant, or stooge is a person who publicly helps a person or organization without disclosing that he has a close relationship with that person or organization. Holy shit, fuck and bollocks. SD has rumbled me. I am in fact the lesser known Miliband brother - Ned. I didn't want to follow the other 2 as I wanted to get laid at college. Apologies for living this evil lie for so long. The honourable, principled man who goes by the dog alias has done you all a favour. This government are doing such a great job clearing up Labour's mess that we should all lay down at their progressive feet and clean their shoes. They are not in fact borrowing a shed load of money to disguise the fact there's no growth, but cleansing the country of undesirables and scroungers. Sorry.
  4. "Tedious freedom-hating fascist" - a copy of the Lib Dem 2010 election manifesto if you can guess which retard wrote this?
  5. Being reported now. It would seem that you can only use the "terrible mess that Labour left behind" scam for a limited period only. Look forward to the 2015 election, don't think Clegg will be.
  6. Watched it last night lay into the BBC over Saville. Fantastic TV
  7. A Carra type defender - always shouting and telling people what to do. Even when they are 42.
  8. Recommend any red to get the Independent today - a few pages devoted to it. In the leader they acknowledge that they, along with the rest of the press, should have done more.
  9. Warning! The following content is NOT WORK SAFE. Click the Show button to reveal. Two reasons why it is not clear cut what Hank will do 1 He will have to explain how he let Walt bug the office 2 He is implicated in that he let Walt pay for his medical treatment No way that Hank can bring Walt in on this one. I would imagine that Walt will clearly believe he can kill Hank easily, but the psycho brothers thought that as well. 10 months to wait seems unusually cruel
  10. Cameron's main problem is that he needs to move to the right to appease his party, but to become more attractive to the voters needs to be move the other way. He isn't bright enough to find a solution for that one. His other problem is that he blames every fuck up on the 'mess that Labour left' (also very popular with Libs) - times up on that little scam as well. No one will come out of this failed coalition experiment with any credit.
  11. I don't think Jane is debatable - he could have saved her, but it was in his interests for her to die. I hope Jessie finds out about that one..
  12. Just wondering if there is a count of deaths that Walt is responsible for?
  13. I'm so glad we have a proper politician leading the country.
  14. Warning! The following content is NOT WORK SAFE. Click the Show button to reveal. Could Walt just get out like that? Lots of people involved in that operation, I would imagine the only way out is a body bag. Eight episodes does not seem enough to tie all this up.
  15. This is the same kind of logic that led to America banning the costume rather than the semi automatic weapon in that cinema shooting a few weeks back. The Libs position has been weak since Clegg and Cameron exited the rose garden. Cameron has played you - about the only thing he has done with any competency since entering government.
  16. I loved the Soul tune near the end. A feelgood moment where you never expected it, from a source that you never thought it would come from. For me, this show has to be the greatest TV yet aired.
  17. Any other period he would have become a red legend Bowel cancer is a bastard - hope he beats it
  18. Warning! The following content is NOT WORK SAFE. Click the Show button to reveal. Walt has clearly lost it - the right thing in anybody's mind is to take the $5m and run. More than enough to leave to Skylar when the cancer finally sees him off. In the drugs business you very rarely have an "out" I would imagine that doesn't involve death or prison. Walt has always been a "loser' in life and that is why he wants to be the drug king of New Mexico - less about Empire building, more about power and ego. It will end in tears.
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