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Numero Veinticinco

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Everything posted by Numero Veinticinco

  1. I think you must have quoted the wrong person. My mate? I'm one of the few on here on the left that regularly hits out at Corbyn. Then the conference stuff... yeah, must have been for somebody else.
  2. Rico, champion of the poor. Tory voting, Referendum agreeing Rico, voting to 'look after himself', champion of the poor.
  3. Yeah, i see your point and there is a line. That said, my point about the milkshake throwing thing, which is just ridiculous in my opinion, wasn't ever about violence it was both about how effective it is and about how it would get worse. Which is what that is. I dunno, I just don't want a political system where it's okay to throw stuff at people you don't want to listen to.
  4. Yes, John. We should focus on the Premier League. Have you considered doing this before or is it a new thought? Like, yes... good idea. Let's do that.
  5. This fucker seems to think he has some sort of trump card. Maybe he should actually outline what he thinks so people can actually reply to it. Maybe he should then wait for more than 24 minutes on a Sunday morning for a reply.
  6. You shouldn’t have voted for a referendum then, should you. It’s very easy to tell others what they should be doing, but when it came down to it you voted for it. Why? Because you were voting for the people you care about. Yourself. How is that working out for you? Yeah, I’m sure he will get straight on listening to your advice.
  7. Watching my first ever Women’s Football match. Fucking shite, isn’t it?
  8. Don’t have somebody as leader because he couldn’t control the actual leader and get him to do something else. Looks like I agree as much with Wom on Politics as I do f*******
  9. Over a third of those were from the bench. I’m not putting Henderson down, I’m trying to stop you throwing your shoulder out.
  10. I'd have happily paid that if I was a Manc fan. He's a quality player that one, and they're fucking shite.
  11. The chip on his shoulder about intellect is more a 12kg bag of spuds.
  12. He's just the wrong type of Jew for Rico. Like, you know, Rico actually gives a flying fuck about Jews. No, honestly, just go back before Corbyn and read how much he wrote about the plight of Jews in the UK or Jews around the world. It's nothing to do with trying to make Corbyn look like a racist. It's not politically charged. Of course, he was far less condemnatory towards the guy who said 'you sound like a Nigger, mate. White people don't talk like that'. No issue with that at all. You and I might disagree on Corbyn, as I'm not a fan. But anybody with a pair of eyes and a memory that lasts longer than two seconds knows that Rico couldn't give one fuck about the Jews. Not a single fuck. He certainly doesn't give a fuck about Norman Finkelstein, the son of people who - unlike British Jews, born in Britain - actually experienced the Holocaust. Rico only gives a fuck about the ones on Twitter who feign fear of a second holocaust at the hands of Jeremy 'I'd rather be tending my tatties' Corbyn. Perhaps if Dr. Finkelstein voted for another vote for us to leave Europe and blamed it on Labour, moaned about the Muslims all being the same and prejudging them as stone-age cretins, recited some ludicrous shit he heard on a podcast, and paid his fucking subs, Rico might warm to him.
  13. Not the right type of Jew for some, I'm afraid. I'll trust Rico over Dr Finkelstein. After all, how many times does Norman post three word snarky comments on TLW about other people being really smart. Never. That's how many.
  14. Yeah, I think we need a big change. I certainly agree with you there. But there's literally nobody that's going to accelerate a radical, systemic global change from the UK. Certainly not in the Labour Party. Certainly not Corbyn - he just doesn't have the support. So I honestly would be happy if we just avoided the fucking travesty that Rico's boys are getting us into.
  15. Honestly, mate. I think you're living in a fantasy world if you thing that's going to happen or that Corbyn can make it happen.
  16. Something something leg-bye something something her silly mid-off.
  17. Somebody that can be more popular than the least popular people to ever do job would be a start. I'd be happy with somebody like Sir Keir Starmer. He 'could' go off on an unknown direction, but he's been an MP for 5 years, so I think it's unlikely. At least he's smart, presentable, and pragmatic. We need something to change and change soon. Boris Johnson is going to be the PM. May has been a disaster. The Tories are falling apart... and still they can't be moved. It's really not great.
  18. Which, I guess, is why Henderson didn't play much until he was moved. Good call Vlad.
  19. Yeah, sure. Even houses don't generally appreciate massively on their own - they don't exist outside of area expansion, prosperity and investment locally, rising economy, etc - but overall, you can earn a lot of money from owning things with something happening that's out of your control. Stocks and things can go up, new tech take off in unexpected ways, and so on. In which case, the return isn't really comparable to the input. It's not quite a lottery, but sometimes it's a bit of a casino and you get a lot more back than your input or expertise requires. I'm not even making an argument for or anything, just commenting on that one thing.
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