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Ian Beales Gut

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Everything posted by Ian Beales Gut

  1. For me a really tough choice. He has made some fantastic films. Jaws ie saving private Ryan. Jaws is such a great story and reminds mr significant much of my childhood. However; spr gets it because I loved the acting and the beginning scene of the film is a cinematic master piece. I still remember the first time I saw the Omaha beach landing scene. I was completely shocked by it. Although it was vivid and graphic it wasn't gratuitous. Personally I think it's his best work. The story, the character interaction. Some of the dialogue is very moving. The scene in the candle lit church when the medic is copying out the blood soaked final letter of the soldier who was shot by the sniper. He goes on to reveal how he used to pretend to be a sleep when his mum came home at night to tuck him in. You get a very intimate and private insight into a complex characters mind. Directed brilliantly. Yup for me his best work and probably the best war film if all time.
  2. All the hate on here is gruesome. Spread some nice stuff ! Melons is named after my favourite fruit. Zigackly reminds me of that nice kid rowland from grange hill. Davelfc has an uncomplicated unpretentious user name Número Valencia or whatever he's called doesn't like racists
  3. Wend and steve millington? Flashbfuckers she's just got a New guilietta?? With a private number plate and they had their drive way done in that concrete stuff. It's them isn't it? It's got to be.cunts!
  4. I know somebody with 2400+ "friends" on Facebook. He's the worlds biggest prick in real life. He just uses his real "friends" to be honest. Ghandhi, JFK, mlk, hitler, Mandela and maggie. All in politics. None of them support lfc so fuck the lot of em.
  5. I've seem that before! It's from a calendar called faces of cute things having a shit. It's ace.
  6. I don't despise them. I would just like to see them pushed into a meat grinder. I bet they wouldn't stop talking until there heads Finally got ground up.
  7. Yes I know it's nor perfect but. I would force people into government who have no desire to be in it for no other reason than they would be good at it. Anybody who wanted to be a politician should be forced into a meat grinder.
  8. S Sorry it's the fury you see. Sometimes it take over and the words come out of my fingers wrong.
  9. I'd just kill any cunt that even expressed the slightest interest in politics. Left wing, centre, right wing it's all the same. The slef serving club for self righteous patronising gobshites.
  10. Body and legs of a giant spider Head of a great White shark Brain of a human serial killer Two human arms and hands ( so it can hold a death ray or flame thrower) Breasts of a porn star
  11. All this money spent on science guff. At the end of the day if it doesn't lead to A) time traveling space ships B) cool lazer guns and shit C) killer robots like the terminator Then it's all been a load of fucking old wank in my considered scientic opinion. Prof. Ian Beales Gut Phd Msc and other stuff
  12. REN At this point I would post a picture o the cartoon character Ren out of Ren and stimpy. However I don't know how to post pictures yet, although I have given it a go, I obviously need to give it a bit more thought to be honest but with work and everything ibjust don't seen to get the time. I mean it not like I have a load of free time to dedicate to perfecting my tlw posting techniques, it's just that the pressures of modern life take there toll, you know what I mean? You work long hours, come home an expect a bit of down time to just rela and enjoy the simple things. But know everybody seems to want a bit of ibg, there isn't enough time for everything and if you don't like it, if you don't like the fact that I ruined this thread by not posting a picture because I haven't had the time to figure out how, well fuck you mister FUCK YoU!
  13. Stop talking in words. I'm pissed, just agree with me!
  14. I know what you mean but I actual saw. 5 year old girls acting like strippers. Can't be right that can it? Fuckin pRents should get a grip and stop them watching that shite! Saying that the mum looked like the type who'd think it was fashionable to have them act like that.
  15. Don't get me wrong I think the artistic value in that video is worthy of a bafta. However; I'm a pervy bloke not a 5 year old girl.
  16. For tonight's dinner a take on shepards pie Turkey mince 400g 1 White onion 4 cloves of garlic 1 jar passata 1 bunch chopped basil Black pepper .5 tablespoon Sea salt .5 teaspoon Tabasco sauce 1 tble soon chopped italian herb Topping Sweet potatoes mashes with 100ml milk 50. Gms butter 75 Gms mature cheese cheddar 50ml blue cheese salad dressing 75ml blue cheese salad dressing
  17. With women grinding away and looking like they are auditioning for a porn film should be banned. I saw two little girls about 4-5 copying the moves and pouting today. It's fucking sick. I don't have kids yet but if I ever have a girl she's going to be locked in the basement until she's 21. And no not in a frizzle way!!! To be honestninhabent got a basement either so that's two things I have to sort out before I can even implement my plan but that's just small detail the point is fuck off this on or what ever your called and stop corrupting little kids. Cunt
  18. Is a stupid bog eyed ginga wanker. But saying that he is so much better than everton deserve. Another window without tuppence to spend and having to listen to luvvey darling bang on about how everton already have a team of world beaters.! He'd be better off at tranmere.
  19. Had it at 20 lost 2.5 stone in 4 weeks. Fever swollen glands and throwing up for two weeks solid. It was a fucking shite 4 weeks I can tell you.
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