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General Dryness

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Everything posted by General Dryness

  1. LF has been replying to this thread for ages. Either he's got distracted or he's absolutely slaughtering me. Appropriately enough for a thread about meat.
  2. If you're resting a steak properly, it should be around five minutes. If you're cooking a steak properly i.e. medium rare, you're looking at 2 to 3 minutes each side, depending on how thick the steaks are. Don't tell me you're just waving it at the pan.
  3. I was always quite pleased with one I came up with for any of Codes mad stats threads, "stats norway to talk". Nobody else liked it though.
  4. About 5 minutes? Yeah, sounds about right.
  5. Is McDonalds closer to your bedroom than your kitchen?
  6. Given some of the things he's told us about his employers, refusal wouldn't shock me in the slightest. Hope they go for it though LF. Good luck.
  7. My missus and her mum are the same. Has to be cremated. If I'm doing steak, I start cooking theirs about 10 to 15 minutes before mine. One day I'm going to heat up a couple of old leather shoe soles and see if they notice. I feel like cutting my hands off after I've cooked meat for them pair. On the plus side, if I ever want a divorce I've got sufficient grounds right there.
  8. I wonder whats prompted this? http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-24509235 Apologies if someones already posted in relation to this, couldn't find anything recent with the search function.
  9. I suspect a skullfuck that went wrong.
  10. I never play online. Apart from the fact I'd spend my whole time getting beat hollow by 8 year olds, it seems to me that people that play online spend as much time bitching about it as they do playing it.
  11. Maybe Dave should have got a top director to script the new site. You'd probably like it then.
  12. I was a real luddite about the whole "physical book on paper" thing. No way I was giving up real books. Then I was given a Kobo Touch Ereader as a gift. Doesn't have all the bells and whistles that a Kindle has, but it'll do for me. I'm quite enjoying it, and I like the idea of having being able to carry around loads of books so I've got the option of what I want to read, without actually having to carry around loads of books.
  13. Its odd seeing you in here Stig. Its like when you were a kid, and your mum and dad had friends over, and you went to bed but the front room was still full of grownups chatting away, and you went back down because you didn't want to miss out on anything. I think its time you went back to bed son.
  14. British Empire was built on cups of tea. Fucking coffee drinkers couldn't even order a curry from a takeaway to an acceptable standard, let alone run the country where it was invented.
  15. Even the fanny farts? Thats fucking impressive. Did you make one from some old chicken breast fillets, or did you hang onto the one from the last prostitute you murdered?
  16. They've remade everything else, about time The Bodyguard got a going over. Imagine the gritty realism you could both have brought to your respective roles. No flawless bodies and perfect, noiseless sex here. Sweaty cellulite and fanny farts. Its the way forward.
  17. This is correct and acceptable behaviour. However, when you start chucking tins of beans and bags of monster munch in your case a la Karl Pilkington, you've got to ask yourself if you wouldn't be better off just staying at home and putting your feet up for a couple of weeks.
  18. I may have read you wrong, and if I did, then apologies. It just seemed an odd question. I won't tackle the answer. Where I thought you were going was a "they should have lived better lives, so fuck 'em" tack. Again, if I've got that wrong, then apologies.
  19. I don't know if you're trolling, or if you're genuinely telling me that (despite being in your fifties) you don't understand why some people are poor and some people aren't. Theres more than one reason, and I'll leave it at that. I suspect I can see where you're going with this, so I'm leaving it alone. I'm sure there'll be someone else willing to take you on over it though.
  20. Does it matter? Why not just let it go and stick to discussing the issue at hand Dennis. Theres been enough of this kind of thing over the last couple of days and I've played my part in that unfortunately.
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