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Everything posted by llego

  1. Boys Im telling you right now its in the bag for Obama. Was never in doubt.
  2. Well seeing as the GF now appears to be a relationship advice column... I went on a date yesterday with a girl who I think isnt very attractive, but whos personality I love. Now shes almost definitely drunken one night stand acceptable, certainly not repulsive. But thats clearly not where this is headed. Its relationship or nothing. This is one of the coolest girls Ive met in a while, a really open and compassionate person who appreciates every moment of life. She radiates a calm kindness that I frankly really admire. After two dates Ive caught myself thinking "I wish I could be more like her..." Shes just a tad heavyset and has an unfortunate slouch. Dunno if youve noticed but posture and the neck area are fuckin critical!! Anyhow on the plus side she has enormous knockers and a pretty face. Thems the facts. Last night was the first makeout and things could pick up pace soon. Part of me is excited to defy my penis overlord. Part of me reckons its doomed from the start. Any advice? Theres got to be someone on here who married a fat chick for love. The reverse King of Queens so to speak. My uncle did it... isnt it fundamentally a very mature and positive thing to attempt?
  3. Went out in manhattan last night, the 456 subway line has been restored and it all seemed pretty normal!
  4. After checking the news it looks like most of Manhattan has power again... my bad.
  5. So glad to see your filthy posts again Iceman! Paulie, theres a chance lower Manhattan still wont have power, and the subways are wonky. Could be chaotic.
  6. Got a call from our fellow forumite Iceman today, he is really fucked out there in Hoboken. The streets are still flooded because the water appears to be trapped, several feet high, full of sewage and growing more toxic by the day. Power is out. He can't leave his house and made the call from the his roof, before turning off his cell to conserve battery. He said national guard trucks are driving around the streets rescuing those in greatest need. So far he and his wife have enough food but theyve run out of ice to keep it cool with. He deserves our thoughts and of course our rep points.
  7. Manhattan is largely without power, subways are flooded, many hundreds of thousands of evacuations. Luckily where I live in brooklyn all is well. Some crazy images from manhattan though, and trains will be out for up to a week, that has a huge impact on the city. Smaller coastal towns on southern LI got hammered pretty bad too... 13 foot storm surge.
  8. Iceman is in Hoboken, sandbags and such around there... hope hes good
  9. Heyo Im in Brooklyn NY and everyone is battening down the hatches. We are well stocked with tuna, beer and grapefruits. Should get going in about 3.5 hrs. Some people in Manhattan got evacuated A trick I just learned: fill your bathtub up with water so if the sewage/running water gets knocked out you can flush your toilet with a bucket
  10. A famous buddhist monk wrote that there are basically two modes of existence, resisting your experience of reality or accepting it. Might be useful when thinking about expectations and ambitions. Does it matter what youre doing, or how youre doing it?
  11. Simon sounds like quite the odyssey. Could you fill in some of the details, like why were you walking 12ks with your life packed in a suitcase?
  12. I shudder to remember how optimistic I was about Hodgson. Truly awful stuff.
  13. Im very confused by peoples reactions to Fanchester. He has consistently posted thoughtfully and reasonably and has never insulted or criticised. He is a remarkably humble and intelligent poster. Are we really so tribal that we give him stick just because he supports another team?
  14. 9:30? Its 13:30 british time which, minus 5 hours, should put it at 8:30 EST... Edit- Ah, European Summer Time ends last sunday in October. Good catch! Saved me an hour of sleep. Have some rep
  15. Thats pretty funny... I was just kidding, I think conspiracy theories are just silly products of over active minds.
  16. I heard conspiracy theories are planted by the CIA/Illuminati to distract us from whats really going on, which is the stuff printed in the papers and so forth...
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