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Tommy Lawrence

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Everything posted by Tommy Lawrence

  1. Tommo's a great red and a great man. A true legend of our club.
  2. I don't know how he has the brass neck to come out with this. Everybody knows he sold our club down the river in order to keep his job.
  3. I agree that I would not like the Kop with stands towering over it on both sides. It should me made as large as possible.
  4. Sounds like a proper good lad,good player too.
  5. I think this makes sense,if he can't get a game for us he might as well get playing time at Norwich. I can't see how it could do him,or us,any harm
  6. That's a very good question. This can be seen in two ways. 1) After an extensive search,Ayres was seen to be the best man for the job. 2) The people we really wanted for the CEO position knocked us back and we we were left with Ayres. Either way the costs of the agency were wasted.
  7. Found his level at WBA. He's very good at meeting low expectations. He even did it with us by meeting his own.
  8. The only people in Liverpool who appreciated his efforts were the Everton fans!
  9. I totally agree that these players need moving on,however that's much easier said than done these days because:- A) Most of these players would be taking a substantial pay-cut if they moved so they might well refuse to go. (Jovanovic in January?) B) We would have to find clubs soft enough to buy them since,by definition of being our cast-offs,they aren't very good.
  10. We've got to get someone going down the sides and get crosses in from near the byeline if we're going to get antyhing out of Carroll (who's done ok so far). Oh,and buy two wingers in summer.
  11. Better than nothing but a total ban from the games would be better.
  12. More self-justifying bullshit. "I wasn't being a twat really,honest I wasn't!" He knows he acted very badly towards us and feels like he has to bleat to the papers trying to justify it every other day. Sorry,son,but no-one believes you,so shut up.
  13. Agree with all of that. Gerrard and Lucas totally ran the midfield and playing like that every week would add two or three years to Stevie's career. Meireles is very good at making late runs in the forward areas.
  14. A great red,Sami,really hope he comes back to us one day.
  15. Excellent that today. Suarez was a torment to them throughout,Kuyt was where he should be three times,solid at the back and Carroll got some minutes. Pity they scored late on but I suppose you can't have everything. Well done lads!
  16. Torahboy has said it all there. Great post.
  17. There's no smoke without a fire. The favouritism towards Castle Greyskull has been going on too long and too often for it to be a figment of our fevered imagination. It's high time something was done about it but neither the football authorities nor the media have the bottle for it.
  18. No doubt Hodgson will claim that as a "famous victory".
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