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Tyler Durden

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Everything posted by Tyler Durden

  1. If we'd got VVD in last summer instead of January then we would have been a lot closer to City i think. I didnt think when we signed him that he'd make as big a difference as he did. I thought midfield was a problem in terms of chances conceded but weve gone above and beyond what i thought we were capable and willing to do, if we went out and got Fekir (i think the Alison deal ended that) id be lying if i said i didnt think we'd be in with a big shout for the league. Carving out goals last season then watching the defence/midfield capitulate the lead must have been hard for the attackers, this time around we wont concede as many chances. Besides all this i think Keita will be player of the year.
  2. Wasnt Actheberg the one Reina moaned about before he left? Sure he was complaining because the then new goalkeeping coach had him doing basic shite, it was either him or the fella under Hodgeson?
  3. Koepka drove the 1st today while Harrington and bubba were still putting out. That was about 400 and ill bet there were some bigger
  4. Woods and Fleetwood. Same as ill do every major this year. Woods for the nostalgia more then anything.
  5. DC done great, bit gutted for Stipe because the top brass didnt like him when he had the belt so theyll like him even less now he's no longer champ. Lewis apologised after the fight abd said he doesnt deserve to fight anyone after that win. Dana will have been pissed off with them both but it haooens sometimes. Paulo Costa reminds me of Vitor a bit hits hard and fast. Hall must have been pissing blood after that fight
  6. Think thats a bit unfair on Dana, at the end of the day its a business but Dana is definetly a fight fan and most fighters either sink or swim in the ufc. A lot of this division jumping and super fight business seems to have exploded since the ferttitas sold up to the new owners so i dont think its totally directed by Dana.
  7. Waiting for VVD was good in the sense of not getting someone else in but if we hadnt bolloxed the deal up in the summer who knows where we could have finished. Waiting on Karius for another season feels like another moment where we curse it halfway through the season. The mistakes he made on that level will never be forgotten by anyone
  8. Holloway out. Why the fuck is he getting concussions less then a week out. Should be tech sparring at best. (Thats if its from sparring)
  9. Havent been this excited about a signing since Torres
  10. I belly laughed at thet last page. Well done all involved.
  11. What are the odds GOT ends a bit open leaving this spin off prequel to fill in blanks
  12. I actually dont mind the new album even though its radically different and i cant see it having much shelf life compared to the old stuff. (Referring to old stuff like they are the stones and been on the scene about 50 years)
  13. Yea non title. Hopefully Whittaker breaks the trend of losing to fighters over weight
  14. Same here mate love the fella. Spending his doe traveling around studying palaentology. Who'd have thought that !
  15. Romero missed weight the blert. Should be an instant 6 month ban
  16. Didnt know Rich Franklin was vice president of ONE, weird that because i was only wondering about him the other day but didnt do the obligatory google of him. Legend.
  17. I was thinking all season mate he can't carry on the way he was but he just kept banging them in. I think it's just a case of right time, right place and right stage of his career. I think he'll maybe not get 40 odd goals but deffo up there again.
  18. https://streamable.com/nfiam Someone is gonna die off a weight cut at some point. Ridiculous amounts being attempted in a short space of time. Cant believe he lasted 5 rounds the way he loooks there
  19. They could have announced him as a free in January, we announced Matip in the February when he joined
  20. He's a bad wanker. Should get expelled. Too many fighters trying to cut too much weight to gain an advantage
  21. Yet more proof, as if it was needed that there are no reds in Liverpool
  22. He hit Inoue with a right hand when he was on the ropes just before it finished and there was nothing in it at all
  23. Just drink a quart of whisky when you get up, that should keep you calm through the day
  24. Yea gunnar Nelson was due to fight him but pulled out
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