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Jurgens Red Army

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Everything posted by Jurgens Red Army

  1. Just heard we are back in for Didier Baptiste as well.
  2. They are taking the piss there. If you want him cough up if not fuck off and get your new signings to try and tap someone else up
  3. Here's the hot shot lawyer FSG will use http://snakkle.wpengine.netdna-cdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/austin-pendleton-my-cousin-vinny-movie-photo-GC.jpg
  4. Fuck FIFA the corrupt cunts, Luis should have left a couple of brown envelopes in the disciplinary room and they probably would have ensured he got the golden boot then. Corrupt wankers.
  5. Fuck me, the Granada reports Facebook page is just a magnet for knobheads https://m.facebook.com/granadareports/posts/793792567308179?comment_id=793812023972900&ref=notif&notif_t=like
  6. He looks like a ventriloquist dummy in that, I'm half expecting to hear the words "gottle o geer" while watching it
  7. Jesus loves you, everyone else thinks you're a twat
  8. A big fuck off by Luis to the FA, British press and all the haters tonight. Get in Luis.
  9. Jimmy Saville refused to touch Rooney when he was younger as even he had standards
  10. Your wife had an affair with Adrian Chiles because he is better looking than you
  11. Just saw it, shocking a lot of Labour MPs in the North West are big supporters of the Justice Campaign and that prick is posing with that rag. http://blogs.spectator.co.uk/coffeehouse/2014/06/coffee-shot-ed-miliband-endorses-the-sunand-looks-incredibly-weird/
  12. What times Alexis Sanchez getting announced?
  13. Sent it the doortodoor one as well it was about an hour after I got the automated one I got the other one
  14. Got an email back off Royal Mail saying they won't deliver now as I've been temporary opted out, as I'm CH post code as well.
  15. Buying my lad Star Wars figures and the AT-AT when they were for me really.
  16. Just sent an email, don't want that fuckin rag put through my door.
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