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Everything posted by Section_31

  1. Thought you meant Lucy Lawless then for some reason, what a piece she is...great ass - and as game as they come.
  2. Forlan is shite, he had one good season thats all, he the Craig Bellamy of Spanish Football. I want pedigree, and I want it now.
  3. I don't know much about Alex Curran, but she's part of that (IMO) extremely vulgar and talentless clique thats sprung up in the last year or so, currently dominating the Pan Am and Newz bar every night, her, fat coleen, Liz Maclarnon (althought in fairness she seems quite a nice girl) that sugar 'babe' all shopping in cricket but still managing to look quite ridiculous. This whole ok debacle has got Rooneys future mrs paw prints all over it.
  4. Top work! Am i the only one impressed by the Governor of Hong Kong being a red? (and not just that type of red) Paxman actually asked him about it years ago, "The question of human rights aside, will you be following them in the F.A Cup this year?" "Absolutely!"
  5. He's been giving Vladamir Putin a gnosh, its the only way he's allowed to stay out of the Gulag, he manages to detatch himself emotionally though - hence his vacant appearance.
  6. I saw McCartney on an American 'an audience with...' style show about 8-10 years ago and he was answering phone in questions, some bint comes on and says "Greetings to New York from Old York!" (To which she got a huge applause and lots of American 'whoops' then she asked him if he was a red or a blue, queue baffled looks from American presenter, and he replied, and I shit you not "Well i used to be a blue but then they weren't doing so well so I followed the Reds"
  7. With the Cisse interest from Marseille too, its like friggin bastile day!
  8. I once pulled a bird in Warrington that looked like lucy pinder, took her back to my mates house but he fucked it up by refusing to bag off with her mate, "I'm seeing someone, so they either both sleep upstairs or both downstairs" He was a propper bitch about it, he had a mood on walking home and actually said the words "Its not fair, yours is nicer than mine" So they both ended up sleeping in the same bed with me left holding my knob, i was so distraught I actually drove home pissed as i refused to sleep on the couch knowing i should have been banging this absolute dream woman. Easiest bird i ever could have bagged too, she was smiling at me and i just said 'wow your ace, fancy coming home with me?' She just got her phone out and started typing away "I'm just texting my mum to tell her I'm not coming home, Ill have to leave early though I've got a driving lesson" :no
  9. Send a nasty e-mail to the Scotland supporters association reminding them they're not in the world cup, and that, despite all the Mel gibson inspired bluster to the contrary, they never won their freedom, and are in fact speaking our language. Enclose pictures of their respective cars draped in England merchandise, and be sure to enclose home adresses.
  10. 9: Any manc exit from the champions league - the pitch
  11. 5: Sander Westerveld - there was ice on the ball
  12. I still don't know enough about Kuyt or Alves to make a judgement, Ill just have to keep the faith, the whole Defoe - Bent - Bellamy thing is a worry to me though. Still, 8 million in the bank for Cisse, top class.
  13. 1: David James: My form is poor because I've been playing on the playstation
  14. His son Leo had a shirt put on him when he was a newborn, so Cherie blair reckoned
  15. Matt Busby, Wes Brown, Rio Ferdinand
  16. On a different note, how does Cisse grow his hair so quick? I've seen him virtually bald (but with say, a slash of black hair with a pattern carved into it) in a midweek match, then with a yellow semi-afro on the saturday! The lad is a hargrowing freak of nature..
  17. When I saw the words 8 million i nearly jizzed, thats daylight robbery on our part!
  18. Bloody hell Rash get with the programme :whistle:
  19. Its funny isn't it, noticed how much blue bashing there's been on this site lately? Why? Because there's no transfer activity and we're all fuckin BORED! When something more interesting happens we'll forget about them again. On the other hand, through hell and highwater what we do or don't do is the be all and end all of every Evertonians life, that says it all i reckon!
  20. Heard Moyes in the AJ press conference say "And he's British which is important" Little dig there as usual, sure this will provoke more of the same, maybe they see themselves as the new Spurs or something.
  21. Ha Ha quality! Balls of steel that man, being outnumbered by Blue shite is always a scary site, no telling what they might resort to. Anyone ever seen night of the living dead???
  22. aye, too true! Thats what happens when your computer faces the office!
  23. Soz never spotted this and posted it as a new thread..
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