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RED Tezza

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Everything posted by RED Tezza

  1. yep shows that there is movement going on behind the scenes to get mor bodies in, Globe saying one possibly 2 in and one more out. whether thats N'gog or not don't know
  2. LFCGlobe Liverpool's 11 million euro bid for Zarate Rejected Zarate now appears to be going to Inter on loan
  3. Possibly has previously called stuff, checking past tweets doesn't appear to deal in bullshit so maybe somthing in it. you've Never heard of Neil??? Legend of Neil: Comedy series based on The Legend of Zelda from Effinfunny
  4. LfcGlobe or Neil as he's better known
  5. Twitter saying a bid has gone in for Zarate LFCGlobe
  6. from what i can gather Proto-Goblin is a type of Goblin who will be a "Side-Villan" i haven't really come across proto goblin as a character as i think he is part of the Ultimate Spider-man universe as opposed to 616 which is where Amazing is set. this film will appear to take elements of all Spider-Man titles though hence why the main focus for PArkers angst will appear to be the discovery of the Death of his parents
  7. ‪The Amazing Spiderman 2012 LEAKED‬‏ - YouTube
  8. Gotta be a way fo collecting that lovely free energy, I mean we are after all a resourceful species we did invent frozen Aunt Bessie's Mash FFS
  9. Actually mine will read. If your Still looking for Madeline McCaan she's not in here..... honest
  10. was in the garden playing guitar when the neighbours wife came round so our kids could play together played her a few songs and got a suck treat not a bad Friday the 13th actually, luckily for me she's into necrophilia.
  11. Feeling a bit left out after reading the Obama Dead and Thatcher is nearly Dead threads on here and not one of you cunts has even bothered to mention my passing, which occured 10 days ago as i was walking across the road to the shops and got hit by a fucking twat in a BMW. The thing that really hurts apart from my feeling is well nothing realy my still twitching dead corpse was nicely placed into a body bag by the friendly happy paramedics and i did also have a great funeral i really wish i could have been there it looked so good with all the dancing cheering and wotnots. But then i though hang on some twat on TLW must notice I'm not around anymore so i searched the forums for mention of my demise and alas fuck all. So here I am back from the Dead like a motherfucking Lazarus to say wheres my RIP Thread?
  12. Stevies grin spoke volumes if you ask me. when was the last time anyone saw a grin as wide as the Mersey tunnel on that boy's face?
  13. whats the difference between Arsenal and a Blind person? A blind person can still hold a lead Boom boom Tip your waitresses I'm here all week.
  14. Yeah but 2 points behind the leaders with 25 games to go.
  15. I wonder how many know their shitty little club was founded by a Scouser
  16. anyone else got a sneaky suspicion that this may be a fore runner of a European league somewhere down the line?
  17. tell that to the 30 or so man U fans in the pub i was in moaning about Liverpool at half time today, we exist that alne poses a threat to their shitty little football club
  18. I'm 7 weeks in to quitting it's a piece of piss no patches no gum no going to the doctors bollocks no cravings and no withdrawal symptoms. How did i do it? simple i blinked and cured my brain the only problem i have is the damn crack habit.
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