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That was the Week that Was (Oct 2-6 2023)



Monday Oct 2:


That’s some u-turn from Neville isn’t it? He was venting about how bad this was in the immediate aftermath and then all of a sudden he wasn’t. And now he’s turned his guns on LFC because he doesn’t like the statement we pout out. A statement that was only saying the kind of thing he was. He’s a little fucking worm with zero credibility because he’s so full of contradictions and hypocrisy. I’d love to know who got to him and told him to tone it down on the refs. Shithouse. 


It’s not just him though. Some of the pro PGMOL bollocks I’m seeing from the media is genuinely bewildering. It feels like we’re taking on the tories or the met. You’re having to deal with the media they control too. I wouldn’t have thought Howard Webb would have had this kind of influence but I underestimated him. 


How has Darren England not been sacked already? How is the audio not out there? Why are they protecting him? I mean if this were a football manager doing a job this badly he’d be getting fucking hammered and no-one would give a shit about ‘duty of care’ or safeguarding his mental health. Fuck this shit. That England is one bad cunt. The audio of the whole game should be out there for public consumption. There is no reason not to unless they have something to hide.


In fact, why should we even need to request it like this? It should be readily available to listen to after every single game. If they don’t want to let us listen live, that’s one thing. But how come we can’t hear what’s said afterwards except for the exceptions made by Webb when he does his little self promotional show with Michael Owen where he selects which bits of audio we’re allowed to listen to? The last one they did should have included the Mac Allister red, as that was the most contentious decision and it was overturned. Instead we got to hear ones that Webb wanted us to hear so he could congratulate himself on their “process”. The audio from every single game should be available on request, starting with this one.


I’ve got far more questions than just what happened on the goal. I want to hear what he said on the red card too, and how he judged that as a clear and obvious error by the referee when even those pundits who think it might be a red card aren’t saying it with any conviction, and there are plenty saying it’s just the wrong call. So whether it is or it isn’t a red, it was absolutely not a clear and obvious error. Dodgy. As. Fuck.

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Outstanding Dave. I hate Neville, Jordan, Winter and all those media cunts.  Neville most of all as he's well aware of the rights and wrongs in all of this and sees Carragher a lot and read his input. If the shoe were on the other foot no way would Carra be sticking the boot in like this. 

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Great read Dave. Spurs had the chance to come out of this very well indeed - if they'd have said that "in the interests of sportsmanship, and with this being such a unique incident, of course we'd have let Liverpool walk one in". They couldn't even manage to be sound in a hypothetical situation the absolute cunts. The return game at Anfield should be very interesting. 

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When the game finished Sunday you could see the media heads basically salivating at the thought of Klopp going after the refs and giving them fodder for a 24 to 48 hour newscycle.


They thought this would be handled like all other referreeing controversey where the affected team complains, the media complains a bit, the PGMOL makes a smug apology and fans of other teams talk about when they were affected and it becomes a debate potentially prolonging the conversation and then we go onto the next match and the whole thing starts over again.


Liverpool didn't play their role tho by going beyond complaining which is why I was not surprised to see Neville and the other media heads change their tune because they thought there will just be some whinging and now Liverpool is actually expecting things? That's not the game. I have seen them enabling the PGMOL and their incompetence/corruption since I started watching football in 2005 and I'm 110% certain that people who have been watching longer than I have will say they have been doing it longer. Its why when Darren England was given the light repercussion of not being allowed to work our games but he can certainly fuck us by helping our competitors The Times worded it as PGMOL bowing to Liverpool pressure.


Fuck them all I've said this before but if Liverpool were not playing in the Premier League I would not have watched it because I loathe the PGMOL, FA and British Media.


I agree 100% with Thursday's podcast that the ultimate goal needs to be Howard Webb out of a job and the PGMOL disbanded even if the media and fans of other clubs will hate us for it, its not like our current experience is any different now.


Fuck all the fans of other clubs Goldbridge notwithstanding they deserve the PGMOL and their corruption.

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Quite unbelievable and yet expected that after being screwed over with possibly the worst decision in the relatively short history of VAR, it somehow ends up being our fault and pretty much every media hack and pundit unite in calling out Klopp for being unreasonable for demanding a replay, when he did nothing of the sort. It feels like it’s being organised given the pretty unanimous way that opinion was aired, obviously we’ve hit nerves with the response.

We are being marginalised steadily but surely, fucked on the pitch and off it, and it’s frustrating that our owners aren’t seemingly doing anything to defend us, or if they are, it’s happening on the quiet.

I don’t know how we get a win out of this, seemingly untouchable bodies like the PGMOL have an agenda that at best, is just cunts like Webb getting his own back, but at worst, is paid for corruption, and nobody is prepared to call it out, preferring to keep on the gravy train regardless of who suffers in the process.

When he leaves us eventually, I hope Klopp blows the gaff on the whole stinking cabal. 


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On 07/10/2023 at 13:12, tlw content said:



Monday Oct 2:


That’s some u-turn from Neville isn’t it? He was venting about how bad this was in the immediate aftermath and then all of a sudden he wasn’t. And now he’s turned his guns on LFC because he doesn’t like the statement we pout out. A statement that was only saying the kind of thing he was. He’s a little fucking worm with zero credibility because he’s so full of contradictions and hypocrisy. I’d love to know who got to him and told him to tone it down on the refs. Shithouse. 


It’s not just him though. Some of the pro PGMOL bollocks I’m seeing from the media is genuinely bewildering. It feels like we’re taking on the tories or the met. You’re having to deal with the media they control too. I wouldn’t have thought Howard Webb would have had this kind of influence but I underestimated him. 


How has Darren England not been sacked already? How is the audio not out there? Why are they protecting him? I mean if this were a football manager doing a job this badly he’d be getting fucking hammered and no-one would give a shit about ‘duty of care’ or safeguarding his mental health. Fuck this shit. That England is one bad cunt. The audio of the whole game should be out there for public consumption. There is no reason not to unless they have something to hide.


In fact, why should we even need to request it like this? It should be readily available to listen to after every single game. If they don’t want to let us listen live, that’s one thing. But how come we can’t hear what’s said afterwards except for the exceptions made by Webb when he does his little self promotional show with Michael Owen where he selects which bits of audio we’re allowed to listen to? The last one they did should have included the Mac Allister red, as that was the most contentious decision and it was overturned. Instead we got to hear ones that Webb wanted us to hear so he could congratulate himself on their “process”. The audio from every single game should be available on request, starting with this one.


I’ve got far more questions than just what happened on the goal. I want to hear what he said on the red card too, and how he judged that as a clear and obvious error by the referee when even those pundits who think it might be a red card aren’t saying it with any conviction, and there are plenty saying it’s just the wrong call. So whether it is or it isn’t a red, it was absolutely not a clear and obvious error. Dodgy. As. Fuck.


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For  the record Dave, the foul count against us wasn't double Brighton's but 20/12 is pretty close.


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