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Captain Willard

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Everything posted by Captain Willard

  1. Get yourself one of these until the crisis is over. It will sate your perverted mowing urges.
  2. “Putting some petrol in your mower” sounds like a strapline for a Viagra advert. First scene is our hero trying to start an old mower, second scene is him putting in the petrol and the final scene is him cutting lovely straight stripes on a beautiful lawn outside his big fuck off house whilst his gorgeous Milf wife looks down from the bedroom window with an enigmatic smile. I’m going to pitch this !
  3. Well that's a pretty radical view. I think you mean race is literally only skin deep and a social construct (which I agree with) but its very thin ice. People's lived experience in western society is very race dependent so dismissing it as a mere social construct is a touchy subject.
  4. He recently lost a libel case about being called an anti semite and he's currently working on a book called Zionism and the Holocaust. Sounds like a fun guy.
  5. Ha ha, thanks but I think your'e avoiding the question
  6. This is a good interview with a black female activist in the US who was exposed as actually being white. Touches on a lot of the issues we have been discussing on here. Rachel Dolezal: ‘I’m not going to stoop and apologise and grovel’ | Rachel Dolezal | The Guardian
  7. Just to be clear, are you saying I can self identify as a white women but not as a black women ?
  8. In my view, gender is a fact not a subjective construct. Other people think it is not a fact and can be self determined by an individual. I think the logic of that argument falls over if you substitute race for gender but I think other people should be allowed to express their views without fear. I don't like beans on a fry up but I don't threaten people with violence for expressing that preference. Starmer said "you shouldn't say that" when Duffield said "only women have a cervix" so either he thinks gender is a subjective construct or he saying it is a fact but shouldn't be discussed. Either way, he was trying to shut down the debate rather than backing one of his female MPS who was being threatened by activists for daring to have a different view.
  9. Exactly! You can’t have fake sausage in either context
  10. Are you saying that she is making it all up ? The domestic abuse, the death threats etc ? Why would she do that ?
  11. I’ve got a controversial theory that lesbians should not be allowed to buy dick shaped dildos. If you turn away from men, you have to give it all up, it’s an all inclusive not a buffet. Mrs Willard hates it when I say this at dinner parties.
  12. So many things in this picture are upsetting me. What is the red stuff in the big bowl and why does it need a knife ? What’s in the tin and finally is she wearing pants ? (please God yes)
  13. Is curtain twitchers a northern euphemism for lesbians ?
  14. Emily has got a nice soothing voice, Angela sounds like a bus conductor. At my age, a nice voice has become a thing.
  15. This is the article from last year where she talks about getting death threats. I think the point people on here are trying to make us that she didn’t explicitly say “I’m not going to the Labour Party conference because of death threats from Labour Party members” I’ll accept she didn’t use those precise words but she’s not going to the conference that’s for sure. Maybe it’s just a coincidence but this is a clearly scared women who has previously been the victim of domestic abuse. It’s not a good look for Starmer not to be supporting her over this but he chose not to. https://www.google.co.uk/amp/s/www.kentonline.co.uk/canterbury/news/amp/ive-received-threats-but-will-not-be-silenced-235405/
  16. Yeah but you’ve got lesbians, coke and close up magic tricks all within walking distance and a nice garden as well. I’ve got moped thieves. It’s swings and roundabouts.
  17. I think the point is that statistically trans are more likely to be victims of crimes than perpetrators. As is the case with women but on a much bigger scale and for the whole of human history.
  18. I recall the women from the Cranberries drowned in a hotel bath as did Whitney Houston and Jim Morrison. After drug overdoses, it must be the most common form of premature death for pop stars. You can tell I'm bored.
  19. https://www.google.co.uk/amp/s/www.kentonline.co.uk/canterbury/news/amp/ive-received-threats-but-will-not-be-silenced-235405/ Here she talks about being terrified by death threats. After Jo Cox there has got to be consensus that all threats (including Tory dick heads making bomb jokes) should be universally condemned not explained away with nuance.
  20. Yeah you’re right, that’s the issue here, me misrepresenting why a female mp doesn’t feel she can attend her own party conference. Meanwhile the abuse goes on and the dissenting voices get shouted down. Duffirkd has said that the constant abuse makes her nervous and tones down her opinions.
  21. I think this is real “angels dancing on the head of a pin” obscurantism. She’s been threatened with violence on social media numerous times for daring to dissent from the orthodoxy on trans issues. Starmer had the chance to condone it and he threw her to the baying mob instead by saying she “shouldn’t have said it”. This is indisputable.
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