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Numero Veinticinco

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Everything posted by Numero Veinticinco

  1. I read that manifesto cover to cover. I don't remember anything from Juncker. Anyway, even if they did commit us to leaving the single market - which, if you read it, they didn't - then we all know that commitments in manifestos get ripped up in the name of maturity and power. I'm sure there's some examples somewhere... now, where did I leave my copy of the Lib Dem manifesto? Although I do agree with Stronts, if a deal was agreed it would have meant leaving the single market. However, in that scenario, it would have meant a deal that mirrored it. If, as Stronts believes, that's not possible (or if something close to it isn't possible) then I believe we wouldn't have left. Labour's policy on this is quite clear, and you really shouldn't try to paint it as a deal similar to the Tories, as you have in the past, because it's not. What they wanted to achieve - leaving without too much damage - might have worked, likely it wouldn't. Then we would go back to the polls. Which is the very best scenario right now.
  2. I'm not, but whether or not you or I think that deal is possible is beside the point on what Labour's plans are and what they said. I've stated on here that I don't like the way Labour are dealing with Brexit. In fact, there's very little I like about Labour at the moment. I couldn't be bothered to argue against your statement that I'm the first to defend Corbyn, because it's just so fucking ridiculous and I care so little that it's just not worth it, but if you're going to argue one thing and base it off another, you should expect somebody to pick you up on it. Look, all of this is a distraction. Labour would have tried to get a deal, it wouldn't have worked, and then they would have had a no-deal vs stay referendum. That's just obvious. The other side will try to push us out of Europe with a no-deal. The choice is, in my opinion at least, stay or leave at great cost. Labour are the only party that can stop this, which I'm sure you'll agree is a worrisome prospect even if you think - wrongly - that LD or somebody else can stop it.
  3. I, for one, like to differentiate between leaving the single market and leaving the single market but replacing it with a deal that mirrors it. Then at other times I like to make out as if there's no difference between the Tory's position and Labour's position. Then I like to pick up on others cherry picking.
  4. So he called Kane a mong? okay. So?
  5. Talking just about this pre-season, I think he's probably going to go on to make Gerrard look like a pile of shit.
  6. Yeah, he looks alright, alright, really alright. Hope nobody tries to poach him after this game, don’t think I could take the pain. I hope he stays another day.
  7. Roger that, Sir. I meant absolutely no disrespect or in any way to denigrate your long and dedicated service to bumcunts. I'll unfuck my shit and report no later than 0600 for punishment.
  8. Hello Colonel, Sir. May I call you Bumcunt? Maybe just bum or cunt? Or do you prefer full military customs and courtesies?
  9. Personally, that wasn't what I was referring to. It just plays part in an overall picture. On this one, I think you probably would have stayed quiet or had a dig at Labour. There's many things that can be said about you, Stronts; a racist isn't one of them. Though your comments about SOA indicated that sometimes you'll say things... whatever. Oh yeah, that's why you blocked me. Yep. Yes indeedy.
  10. You! Defending Lib Dems?! How dare he suggest a thing like that based off of nothing but a wealth of empirical evidence from the last decade of your posting history. HOW. DARE. HE.
  11. Stick a Snickers bar to his head and you’ve got yourself a Klingon.
  12. And that keen fucking warr shite. Seriously, who eats quinoa? Birds, that’s who.
  13. That’s why what is dangerous? Obviously he won’t reply to that, but he seems to have a bit of an issue with trans people. Surprisingly, not many trans people are nonces pretending to need tampons.
  14. You fucking bitch. This is fucking war.
  15. I don’t care about that. I care about the democratic freedom of being able to change your mind when new information is available. What new information was available during the same-sex marriage referendum?
  16. Hold on, why don’t we just leave because that’s what people voted for? After all, who cares what damage it does or what people want now. Democracy happened and shouldn’t happen again, not even if we now know more about it and might no longer want it. Less democracy is more democracy.
  17. I am aware of this. It’s clear that you don’t believe in people’s democratic right to change their mind. Fine. Don’t pretend I’m less of a democrat because I do believe in them having that right to a free vote.
  18. So let me get this straight, I'm not a democrat because I believe in more democratic votes now that more information is available? I’m not a democrat because I believe in people being able to change their mind whenever they want? If I want to be a democrat I should be less of a democrat. Sounds fair.
  19. The chip on your shoulder about intelligence is fucking hilarious to watch.
  20. They're the ones you voted for because, in your ignorance, you decided they were better for you and thought 'fuck everyone else'. One of the only positives that will come from the destruction of our country that your chosen party is bring about will be to watch the selfish cunts who voted for it getting fucked over.
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